Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily.

Special thanks to anonymous donors

Apologies for so much info – we must be aware to survive and prepare – take your time to see all …

Most videos can be played @ 1.25 or 1.5 speed

1a – Another Christmas Carol 

1b – Listen to this young soldier

1c – Trump is Q

1d – Supreme Court Brunson Bombshell

We will have to wait to see if this is true

The Brunson case has unleashed a bombshell: Trump was always the rightful President, and the truth is finally out. The Supreme Court’s shocking ruling has thrown America into chaos—thousands dead, cities destroyed, and the country teetering on the brink of collapse. The globalist elites and corrupt politicians have brought America to its knees, but Trump’s return might be the only chance for salvation. The deep state can no longer hide the truth. This is the breaking story of a nation on fire.

The Brunson Bombshell: How the Supreme Court betrayed America and set the stage for Trump’s Triumph On Tuesday, December 10, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States was set to deliver its final, most explosive decision of the year. While the country held its breath, speculating on the outcome, most had no idea that they were about to learn a truth so brutal, so devastating, that it would shake the very core of the nation. The decision? A ruling on the Brunson case—a case that was never meant to see the light of day, yet has now unravelled everything we thought we knew about this country. The result is nothing short of a bombshell: Donald Trump, the man they tried to bury, has always been the rightful President of the United States.

The deep state, the corrupt politicians, and the biased media have been hiding the truth for far too long. But the truth is out now—Trump never lost the 2020 election, and this Supreme Court ruling proves it. And let’s not sugar coat it: this is a catastrophe. Thousands have died, cities have been destroyed, entire communities have been wiped out, and Americans are freezing to death in tents. All because of a ruling that should have never been kept in the dark. This is a country on fire, and the flames are spreading fast.

2a – Biden’s Pardons  

2b – Will there be another – (fake) assassination attempt on Trump before inauguration day?


3a – Damascus Falls – Israel takes Mt. Hermon ….. Is Damascus a Trap?


Remember the UN headquarters is in Mount Hermon


3b – Did Russia just set a huge trap in Syria?


3c – The fake war between Ukraine and Russia

4a – 7 countries Netanyahu wanted to destroy


4b – I.S.I.S. = The Israeli Secret Intelligence Service = Israeli MOSSAD   

4c – We are all UN Global Citizens without our knowledge or consent

Now understand why Trump will defund the United Nations

5 – This Criminal Court Trial of the Highest Heavenly Realm is now in Session

Courts of Heaven Prosecutors  

All of God Creator’s Creation which is in Service to Him Known as “Your People” –Vs- The Accused Defendants and Enemies Named Herein. This Criminal Court Trial of the Highest Heavenly Realm is now in session and ‘in camera’. Although inscribed and recorded for all time the timing of the release of these proceedings will be declared by this High Court. “Your People” All of God Creator’s Creation which is in Service to Him on behalf of all living beings on our Earth, that are in Agreement and In Service to the One Living True God of All Creation, and in representation, with Your permission, to uphold and stand for the Integrity, Intent, Love, Light, Compassion and Laws of God’s Original Creation. Otherwise known in this Trial as Your People/The Prosecutors –Vs-The Enemies/Defendants: Long list begins on page 3.

Did you know the Vatican literally had portals for demons to enter

6a – Tom Homan with Dr. Phil 

This is what we want to hear


6b – Bugs in Nesquik 

6c -Magnetic People

7a – Look at the swabs for the PCR test – watch to the end

7b – Why It’s impossible to “Vaccinate” against anything “Vaccines” are the perfect poisons


8a – Jabbed humans are walking bio-weapons


8b – Moderna’s mRNA vaccines to be exempt…

from advisory committee scrutiny under $2bn Morrison-era deal

ScoMo sold our health and lives – Did any $$ go into his pocket also Moderna’s new poison injections will not even need the pathetic approval their last jabs required. Anyone who takes this crap needs their head read


8c – Death Certificates after Chemo (and Covid jabbed)

9a – Joozionists run Australia – more hate speech laws in the making

9b – Australian Govt commits to RSV vaxx program for newborn babies

10a – Mayhem Mel – Nov 11

As mentioned in Mel’s message above – former Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s palace in Latakia after HTS-led militant takeover It doesn’t look very extravagant nor palatial to me ? Remember Assad, like Gadaffi, resisted the Cabal for decades

10b – Transgender Ab-originals – A typical Aussie lady ?

11a – Mix Celtic Salt & Cayenne Pepper: Reverse 12 health issues – Barbara O’Neill

Barbara C says – I love the taste of Celtic salt and sometimes I can get the real moist version, which I like the best, its not bleached white. Dr’s promote people to use Cartia (aspirin) as you age to prevent a heart attack or a stroke. A couple of years ago I heard Barbara O’Neill say Cayenne Pepper was a blood thinner and you can’t overdose on it.  I started sprinkling it in water, it was easy to acquire the taste. Last night I made chicken soup after hearing this, I’m also going to try  adding Celtic salt to my water.


11b – Ivermectin to Treat/Cure Cancer

Ivermectin is known as Equimec at Veterinary supplies


Dr William Makis is one of my all-time heroes and it’s an absolute delight to get to dig into his research and to share it with you, with this highly-informative interview by Mike Adams. Since the Globalists obviously desire World War 3, I recently went on a preparedness rampage and I bought all of the things that would have made the 3-week blackout/WW3 Rehearsal that I recently experienced, here in Asheville more tolerable. That shopping list is here. I do not allopathic medicine and I want nothing to do with their killing machine, particularly after having watched both of my parents die the most agonizing, horrific cancer deaths one could imagine, between 2010-2017. I wish I had known then what I know now, as they might still be here. Two things I determined that were very important to have on hand were ivermectin and fenbendazole, in sufficient quantities to treat cancer after an EMP or nuclear attack and total infrastructure collapse. This was easily and inexpensively achieved via those Amazon links, above and by following Dr Makis’ simple, peer-reviewed protocol, which he calls the “Future of Cancer Treatment”, here. Dr Makis says he gives ivermectin to his children when they’re coming down with a cold and they bounce back in a day or two. He says it’s practically impossible to overdose on ivermectin, as it has a half-life of 18 hours and it’s cleared from your body within 2 days. Listen, read, watch this information – and be empowered


12a – Wind farm would ruin town’s ‘ambience’


12b – How we program our own lives 

12c – An act of kindness  

13a – Hong Kong – Cutting down face recognition cameras 

13b – Emergency: Cell towers attacking civilians


End of Post – congrats if you have seen all !

Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily.

Special thanks to anonymous donors

1a – We have only one National Flag

Congratulations to Peter Dutton for respecting the importance and value of our Australian Flag, we only have one national flag that we respect and salute. The others are just divisive symbols of a minor 3.2 % of the population. Asians are 17.4% of the population over 5 times the number of Aboriginals, why is their flag missing from behind Albo and in parliament house?  What about a Bunnings flag in parliament house too, they provided great service and benefits to Australians, pay their taxes, show respect to all customers and have millions more respecting their service to Australia than the divisive 3.2% and their flag — and make a lot more sense.


1b – Wow – someone put my video up on the QFS, BRICS, GESARA, Financial Markets, GeoPolitics website

This video written and produced by Larry Hannigan in 1991 is about money and how it is created, how the banks control the world with money. They create money out of thin air and charge interest for it, and how this leads to world domination.


2 – White Rabbit – how we can fix Australia


3 – Here we go – More scare tactics – how many willfully uninformed sheeple will fall for it again ?

Vaccine researcher Peter Hotez says multiple viruses will be unleashed on America the day after Trump takes office – How do they know ?


4 – The fake alien agenda


5a – Trump witnesses prophecy over his life

Is this America’s last chance of redemption? Could Donald Trump be God’s chosen instrument to bring the nation back to Him again? Watch this mind-blowing clip of Jonathan Cahn sharing a prophetic message about Trump


5b – Did Trump Give Us a Countdown ?

6a – Repeat – Benjamin Fulford 12.8.24 – Trump’s mass arrests begin now

The sound was very low – now fixed, a small loss of pic quality – you cannot speed it up https://rumble.com/v5xaenz-benjamin-fulford-12.8.24-trumps-mass-arrests-begin-now.html?

6b – John F Kennedy Jr On X


7 – Mysterious old world structures – Evidence of Lost Technology & Techniques used to Melt Stone?


8 – The Great Earthquake before the 2nd Coming

Many places in scripture, probably more than you realize, talk about a great earthquake that will occur prior the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. I’m not talking about the “earthquakes in diverse places” either. We are talking about THE BIG ONE.


9 – Wolverine & Skye Prince Disinformation Agents?


10 – Survival Supplies – Australia

View Products and order

copy to URL  https://www.survivalsupplies.com.au/?b7=lh&referring_service=link


End of Post

Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily.

Special thanks to anonymous donors

1a – Silent Night

1b – Weather modification by artificial satellites

Chemtrails no longer needed


2a – Gold Coast underground explosion

Just the first minute


2b – Bovier in milk – a false flag and we fell for it


3 – Bendigo bank is collaborating with the CBA….

Bendigo Bank + Commonwealth Bank are missing from the ISO 20022 members list = they are not compliant ?



4a – AFP establishes antisemitism taskforce after Melbourne synagogue attack – here we go again


4b – What is Anti-Semitism ?

5 – Pedophile Satanist psyop gatekeeper actor Roseanne Barr in plain sight

Her ‘Black Eye’ ‘Club’…. And what else is going on in Pedowood?

6a – Stew Peters is onto it 

Note – Bashar al-Assad opposed the Joo bankers for decades – he had to go

6b – Notre Dame Antichrist Appears at Ceremony…

Watch as the Golden Age Ritual at Notre Dame in Paris Shocks the World.  Rome’s bishops and priests conduct a symbolic “rebirth” ceremony in honour of the sun god of Babylon on the evening of the “immaculate conception” feast. Pope Francis delivers a message of One World Religion and Unity as the agenda moves forward. Not everyone in attendance may know what is going on here but I hope these discernment videos help people to see the deception of the false Luciferian philosophy, which has its roots in Babylon. 

The prototype of the Antichrist Nimrod being venerated here only shows the reality that the Lord Jesus Christ is the One and Only Saviour of those who would repent and believe on Him. The only way to be reconciled to God is through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins. This world is on the path to hell and the only way to be saved is through the Gospel. (Read John 3:16)

6c – The Ceremony – Surrender of Cabal Leaders to Donald Trump

Clearly, what just happened in Syria has to be part of the movie being scripted by White Hat  Productions, a likely “replay” of things that would have happened had the Cabal had its way.  As for the specific purpose and endgame of this particular scene — following other scripted scenes  such as the October 7, 2023 “Hamas raid” and “kidnappings” in Israel, the subsequent “wars” in Gaza and Lebanon, and the “missile” exchanges between Iran and Israel etc — that remains unclear. But we do have some theories which we’ll keep to ourselves until the inevitably illuminating passage of times clears things up a bit. It always does.

Despite the doom and gloom clickbait videos from wannabe prophets, Trump cannot be the Anti-Christ – he is too old. Christ will come when it is His right time at the end of the tribulation and “rapture” His people – so best ye be prepared as were the 10 wise virgins in Matt 25. 1-13.

7a – Putin Response to Trump’s BRICS Sanctions

Note – @ 2mins 30s  Putin says he never heard Trump say it


7b – Benjamin Fulford 12.8.24 – Trump’s mass arrests begin now

The sound was very lownow fixed but a small loss of pic quality you cannot speed it up https://rumble.com/v5xaenz-benjamin-fulford-12.8.24-trumps-mass-arrests-begin-now.html?

8a – USA govt issued 520 page Coronavirus Pandemic official COVID-19 Pandemic report.  

This report is the official US Govt Select Committee report into the Pandemic, released on 2nd Dec 2024. It took over 2 years to do and is a 520 page document that covers corruption and mishandling. An excellent start.  It does not cover the side effects/deaths. Everything is being done on a gradient to lessen the shock and impact on humanity. And now videos are circulating about a far worse pandemic coming How do they know ?? fear tactics cos the public know the last one was fake causing lockdowns and masks etc

8b – Video pointing out key corruption in Govt Pandemic report 

End of Post

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