Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 Act No. 114 of 1973
In 1973 a Foreign Government was formed under E G WHITLAM Passed … and enacted in the Foreign Parliament by their own patron Queen ( Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 ) with NO land NO subjects NO authority and NO seal. Absolutely NOTHING
ACTS INTERPRETATION ACT 1973 No. 79 of 1973.
Deleted ―Government of the commonwealth of Australia‖ Created ―Australian Government‖ Corporation.
Also created their own Gazette.
Also removed other definitions such as ―Parliament of the commonwealth of Australia‖ to be replaced by the corporation called ― Australian parliament‖.
Australian Citizenship Act 1973 Act No.99 of 1973
Removing the term ―British Subjects‖ and thus changing and forcing ―Australian Citizen‖ into their corporate Government with a seal of no authority. This took away our protection under the Queen by removing the term ―British subjects‖
To save themselves if ever convicted of TREASON if Caught. The crime of Treason is Death.
Banking Act (No. 2) 1973 Act No. 193 Therefore taking over the Banks
this gave them the right to take any land whenever.
Statute Law Revision Act 1973 No 216
this Act took out ― of the Commonwealth‖ from all the Acts and Territories therefore taking over assets and destroying the Commonwealth, Making the Defense Force personal Mercenaries.
Banking Act 1974 Act No. 132
This Foreign Parliament of Australia then printed their own Money ―Australia‖ with NO guarantee as ―of the Commonwealth‖ has been removed and is not legal tender currency, is therefore counterfeit
The Governor General is now in the Foreign Parliament and doesn’t represent Her Most Excellent Majesty. PARLIAMENT ACT 1974 No. 165
An Act to determine the site of the New and Permanent Parliament House. This is for their Foreign Parliament of Australia’s Parliament House.
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Act No. 58
This Foreign Parliament made their own police that represent the corporate fiction and not the people of the commonwealth.
High Court of Australia Act 1979 No. 137
They created their own High court of Australia.
Judiciary Amendment Act (No.2) 1979 Act No. 138
enacted by EG. Whitlam’s Queen of Australia a Statutory Instrument of NO Authority.
Evidence Amendment Act 1979 No. 139 of 1979
enacted by EG. Whitlam’s Queen of Australia a Statutory Instrument of NO Authority. The Private Corrupt Corporate High Court of Australia with its own Judiciary Act and its own Evidence Act under the Australian Government and its Parliament of Australia NONE of which has Authority over the People of the Commonwealth under the “Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901”
Australia Act 1986 Act No. 142
This Act was to bring the States into conformity with the Foreign Parliament of Australia and its patron inherited Queen.
Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1988 No. 120
which amended Section 80,replacing ―common law of England‖ with ―common law in Australia‖ of the Judiciary Act 1903 No 6.
Therefore giving all rights and assets to the Foreign Parliament and Government of Australia by removing every right of the Peoples;. Every Local Government Act is in breach of the will of the people in Referendums 1974, 1988 and 1999 Edward Gough Whitlam AC, QC / born 11 July 1916) is an Australian politician who was the 21st Prime Minister of Australia from 1972 to 1975 and the Leader of the Labor Party from 1967 to 1977. Whitlam led Labor to power for the first time in 23 years at the 1972 election; he went on to win the 1974 election before being controversially dismissed by Governor-General Sir John Kerr at the climax of the 1975 Australian constitutional crisis. Whitlam remains the only Australian Prime Minister to have his commission terminated in that manner. |
Comment History
Tony Rigg – We pay the regulators to uphold the law, why don’t they ?
Steve Hoffmann – We don’t have laws, has not been a correctly enacted law since 1973.
Raymiond Claret – Dadee, and to top it off , banks are now moving to cut the saving % once again by .05 , so that means self funded retirees , aged pensioners etc will be out of pocket once again.. then look at credit cards of 20% plus etc that they use pension deposits for and that they pay virtually 00% on … the banks cant help themselves to “GREED AND SKIMMING PEOPLES POCKETS” and they do ti openly knowint because they “COLLUDE ON INTEREST RATES , HOME AND DEPOSITS’ they control the market with people having no where else to go.. Governments of course love the practice of banks ,as Australians get cleaned out by them and others..
Davis Evans – the RBA caused the property boom?
Raymond Claret – Christeen, what you say is so right , when a govt state or federal can walk in and appropriate your property for next to nothing and kick you out onto the street… and yes once banks used to give service now.. “WE HAVE BECOME THEIR CASH COWS WHERE CRIMINALITY BY BANKS IS THE NORM” and the elite filthy rich get more and more of our life and what we own..