26 Coincidences Which the Media and Officials Cannot and Do Not Want to Explain at Port Arthur – Can you explain them?
Martin Bryant got the Tasmanian authorities to have a 22-body refrigerated morgue truck available for his handiwork. Specially built and the only one in Australia, advertised for sale afterwards. YEAH RIGHT ! read YEAH RIGHT after each point .
2 – The actual advertisement:
Vehicle for Sale. Genuine Enquiries only. Yellow Chevrolet 350 V8 truck with refrigerated body, holds 22, this vehicle was primarily used as the disaster vehicle in the Port Arthur Massacre. This vehicle is currently for sale and all reasonable offers will be considered. The vehicle has value as not only a refrigerated unit for body removal, it is the only one of its kind in the entire country. The memorabilia value of it for anyone making a movie/series or writing a book on Port Arthur is limitless. Not only would the purchaser be getting the disaster vehicle, but the whole Port Arthur Story would be given as well.This vehicle is currently for sale and all REASONABLE OFFERS will be considered.
Nelson Brothers in Victoria had special big-job embalming equipment “manufactured ready for the incident.” Why did the government specially order such beforehand? YEAH RIGHT !
Martin Bryant organised for senior Port Arthur staff to go away on a Work Seminar so they wouldn’t get hurt. YEAH RIGHT !
He managed to get Royal Hobart Hospital to have their Emergency Plan in place two days before the massacre so things would run smoothly. YEAH RIGHT !
He managed to get Hobart Hospital to have a Trauma Seminar timed to end at the exact moment he started shooting so they could patch up all the wounded quickly.
He arranged for helicopter pilots – usually unavailable – to be available that Sunday.
He managed to kill the Martins of Seascape with a firearm when he was at a service station 57 kilometres away.
He decoyed the local police to be at the opposite end of the peninsula at the exact moment the shooting began.
He managed to fool staff at the Historic Site into believing he arrived at 1.15pm when in fact he was there at 12.45pm.
He managed not to look like himself – as if wearing a woman’s wig – when being filmed in the car park by tourists.
He wore a face mask making his face look pockmarked when shooting in the cafe.
He arranged for a suspect black van to appear outside the Broad Arrow Cafe afterwards so people wouldn’t think it was him who did it.
He managed to get Sally Martin to run around Seascape naked that afternoon and make it appear she had been killed that morning.
He managed to shoot a rifle from upstairs at Seascape when he was downstairs talking to police on the phone.
He had infrared night vision eyes.
He managed to shoot from two Seascape buildings at once during the night of the siege.
He managed to stay in a heavily burning building shooting and yelling at police and get severe burns only on his back.
He managed to have the world press to have a convention in Hobart on the 30th April so there were plenty of reporters on hand so he would get better than usual media coverage.
He managed to make it appear ASIO was behind the incident.
He managed to make it appear Tasmania Police had fabricated and tampered with evidence.
He managed to get the Tasmanian DPP lie to the Court about his activities.
He arranged for the media nationwide to display his photo to witnesses to influence them; and to print false stories about him and get Channel Nine To fabricate a video – all while in custody.
He fired two shots at 6.30pm at Port Arthur while he was under siege by police at Seascape. And fired from the right hip by a left hander. 4 more like him and we could take over the entire world.
If you believe the official version, his marksmanship was fantastic – twenty head shots, from the right hip, in 90 seconds!A movement of 3 degrees would have missed at 3 -4 meters.
There are only about 100 shooters that good (better than Olympians) in the world.
All done by an intellectually handicapped young man with an IQ of 66 and the mental age of an eleven year old boy ?
Dear READERS, Two new books on the Port Arthur incident have been released – WORDS OF MEN: Official Terror Shooting Tasmania (2019) & WORDS OF WOMEN: Official Terror Shooting Tasmania (2019). Paperback (pp.160) copies are available from internet booksellers. PDF copies are available from [email protected] – FREE of course. Dr. Keith Allan Noble; author, Unit 72 B, Am Heumarkt 7, 1030 Vienna, Austria t. 43-1-9712401
The whole event was planned and announced in Hansard 2 years earlier – Why – to disarm us. Bryant was never given a proper trial. Prime Minister Johnny Coward prevented it! All previously arranged. He should replace Martin Bryant in jail!
Apparently people were disgusted at the lies and deceit involved, that 35 people were murdered and the REAL killer known to government was not prosecuted so police and government files were copied and the evidence released years after the government put a 30 year military style secrecy ban on the evidence, there are still some decent people in government?
Port Arthur radio interview: click to listen
It starts with the program theme music before the interview, so stay with it until the start of the interview with author Dr Keith Allan Noble PHD, the author of book: “Mass Murder Official Killing in Tasmania.” Keith Nobles book investigates the story: “Of an innocent Martin Bryant who was denied a trial and who is now imprisoned until he dies for crimes he did not commit in Tasmania, Australia. Martin Bryant has been cruelly incarcerated for nearly 17 years for crimes many believe he did not commit and could never have committed. There is NO hard evidence proving he killed anyone at or near Port Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania, Australia, in April 1996. Martin was born handicapped. He has a very low IQ of 66. Tests reveal his mental age is 11 years, or less. It is inconceivable he did all the planning and arranging, then did all the shooting. The only eyewitness who knew him said, Martin was NOT the gunman. Other eyewitnesses confirm this fact. Research reveals alleged evidence against Martin was faked. He is the patsy – someone set up and misused, then officially blamed.”
The Book: MASS MURDER OFFICIAL KILLING in Tasmania, Australia.
This is not a story book, it is a very interesting and factual compilation of evidentiary material that tells it’s own story. Information that has been withheld, distorted, totally lied about and by an Act of The Tasmanian Parliament placed under a 30 year military style restriction to prevent anyone knowing the truth until then, by that time most players in the fraud will have died so no prosecutions can be made—and they will have gotten away with murder—and we are the fools.
In 1988 NSW Premier, Barry Unsworth said, It will take a massacre in Tasmania before we will be able to introduce gun laws. In March 1996 , less than a month before the massacre at Port Arthur, “the Gun Coalition’s Tasmanian coordinator Mr. Rowland Brown, wrote to the Hobart Mercury newspaper warning of a Dunblane-style massacre in Tasmania unless the gun laws were changed” (SOURCE: The Australian Newspaper, 29 th April 1996).
A senator has refused to comment about allegations he had prior knowledge of the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 when 35 innocent people were killed in a precision shooting operation.
Another 23 men, women and children were wounded by a trained and methodical gunman with long blond hair.
Revelations by Austrian-based author and researcher, Keith Noble, that Senator Stephen Parry had prior knowledge of the shootings, have not been refuted.
Parry at the time was a qualified embalmer and a former member of Tasmania Police who led a team of embalmers which handled the bodies in 1996.
An Australian, Mr Noble is leading a campaign to free accused shooter Martin Bryant from Risdon Gaol in Tasmania.
A paper written and presented in 1997 by Stephen Parry entitled ‘Port Arthur Massacre – AFDA National Embalming Team – Detailed Report’, that appears in a little-known book entitled ‘PORT ARTHUR SEMINAR PAPERS: A record of the Port Arthur Seminar’, 11-12 March, 1997, Melbourne, Victoria (ISBN 0642271364) clearly shows the incident that rocked a nation was planned.
In his 16 page, disturbing 1997 paper, Senator Parry stated in the following passage :
“I was particularly impressed by the quick response and initiatives by some of the team members in packaging and collecting equipment.
The response time and the amount of equipment quickly relocated was fantastic. One firm in particular, Nelson Brothers, had organised for an embalming machine box and a special large equipment case to be manufactured ready for the incident. These two containers were the envy of all embalmers and worked extremely well.
I would suggest that design specifications may be available from this firm for any future considerations by other firms.” (highlighted by CN)
Parry reveals the funeral services company of Nelson Brothers in Melbourne, Victoria, had undertaken preparations prior to the shooting.
President of the senate, Liberal Party Senator Stephen Parry
According to Wikipedia:
“Parry was born on 31 October 1960 in Burnie, Tasmania, to William Stephen Parry and Patricia Dawn Evans. He was educated at Burnie’s Marist Regional College after which he enrolled at the Tasmanian Police Academy in Hobart.
Parry was employed as an officer with the Tasmanian Police from 1977 to 1986, and was promoted to Detective in 1983. After leaving the police force, he completed a certificate in Mortuary Science at the Australian College of Funeral Service, and was a funeral director from 1986 to 2004, becoming president of the Australian Funeral Directors Association. Parry was also president of the Burnie Chamber of Commerce and Industry from 2000 to 2004, and a director of the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry from 2000 to 2005.”
In 2004, Parry was elected to the Australian Senate for the State of Tasmania as a member of the Liberal Party.
Senator Parry was eminently qualified to lead the embalming team and as such his published comments would have to be accurate.
On February 26 he was emailed a ‘Show Cause’ notice by Keith Noble who accused the Senate Leader of having prior knowledge of the tragedy.
As of going to print Mr Noble says he has had no acknowledgement or reply from senator Parry.
Cairns News emailed senator Parry’s office with a copy of the notice but he had not responded at the time of going to print.
In furthering his moves to get Bryant out of gaol, Mr Noble told Cairns News there is an abundance of available evidence that the Tasmania Police refuse to acknowledge, clearly indicating Bryant is innocent.
“There was no trial, no coronial inquest, no public enquiry, no royal commission,” Mr Noble said.
“The story pushed by authorities that a trial would have been upsetting is the way the State has kept its crimes concealed from the public.
“John Howard was the worst Prime Minister Australia has ever had, and he encouraged the Liberal Party in Tasmania not to give innocent Martin a trial.
Howard’s agenda disarmed Australia utilising patsy Martin Bryant as the scapegoat
“Howard, who is also a qualified lawyer, spoke out to have Martin denied his legal rights and he never had proper legal representation and was kept in isolation for over six months.
“His lawyer at the time John Avery, who was convicted in 2008 for misappropriating and stealing $512,000, forced Martin to change his not guilty plea.
“He is another person who played the game after the official incident at Port Arthur. This is the depth to which the legal system in Tasmania has been taken over by corrupt lawyers, which includes that other pair of mongrels who wrongly prosecuted and convicted innocent Martin, Damian Bugg and William Cox.”
Mr Noble said the incident at Port Arthur was a premeditated, planned, and professionally perpetrated act of psycho-terror undertaken by the State to coerce the public into accepting firearm legislation.
“Martin Bryant is the patsy,” he said.
More about John Howard Article by Leonce –
On the morning of the 9/11 Satanic Ritual Event then Australian Prime Minister John Winston Howard RECEIVED an Honorary 33 Degrees (Medal Of Freedom) in NYC from Skull & Bonesman President George W Bush for his PARTICIPATION in the Port Arthur Tasmanian CIA ASIO False Flag Murder Ritual Sacrifice NWO Gun Grad using Norwegian Freemasonic CIA Family Member and MK-ULTRA Assassin.. Anders Behring Breivik Framing: Illuminati Satanic Ritual Abuse Victim Martin Bryant
Unfortunately many Australians still believe the official msm narrative. People are loath to look outside the propaganda box. Former NSW premier Barry Unsworth stated “There will never gun control until there is a massacre in Tasmania”.
FREEMASONRY in both the Australian and New Zealand Government’s, including the Federal Police and other Military Intelligence Agencies is an infestation. *AUSTRALIA Founded by FREEMASONS for FREEMASONRY *AUSTRALIA The NewWorldOrders NewWorldColony *AUSTRALIA An American Government Deep State Corporation REGISTERED under the Security Exchange Commission (1990) The Australian Freemasonic Gov. has also been EXPOSED through WikiLeaks Clinton Emails: of Spending $88+ Million over the Past 10 years on Child Trafficking Child Prostitution Child Pedophilia and is a major player in the Clinton Foundation Child Trafficking Networks
Google search: Australian Illuminati Child Sex Slave Fionna Barnett who was Raped by an Australian Prime Minister at Government House and by other Famous Australian Actors, Politicians and Elites and Child Sex Slaved out to Bohemian Grove Pedophile Pajama Parties (USA) It has also come to light that the New Zealand Prime Minister is actually a Transgender FREEMASONRY is an offshoot of the Islamic Assyrian Ancient Arabic Order Of the Nobles commonly known as the Shriners Founded in Mecca Saudi Arabia in 644 A.D. by the Family of Muhammad and the Shriners, formerly known as the Ancient Order Of the Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine was established in 1870 in Tampa Florida In 1717, four lodges in London formed the first (Grand Lodge of England) All Western Government’s have Sworn Allegiance to Allah/Satan through the Higher 33 Degrees which is usually given to them through the Honorary (Medal Of Freedom) in an White House Ceremony. This is why we are seeing the Islamic Invasion of the West, but also part of Albert Pike’s 3 World Wars and the Synagogue Of Satan attempt to eradicate the White Race. 911 was an Satanic Ritual Event to Birth in the Age Of the Antichrist (Barak)
This was comments off the last video I sent you and it says that all these traitors like the Clintons, Obamas and Comey and the rest are all allowing these traitors to buy homes and move there (NZ) and this is why they are trying to get the guns off the locals.