10 : Bill of Rights 1689

This Bill of Rights is for the Commonwealth of Australia.


The following Constitutional enactments comprise the Constitution of Australia and the States. 

A/  The Charter of the Forest.

B /  The Magna Carta of King John, 1215

C /  The Magna Carta of King Henri 111, 1225.

D /  The Magna Carta of Edward 1, 1297

E /  The  Statute of King Edward 1, 1297

F /  The Statute Articuli Super Chartas, 1300

G /  The Statute of Edward 111, 1351-2

H /  The Statute of Edward 111, 1354

I /    The Statute of Edward 111, 1368

J /   The Statute of Monopolies, 1623

K /  The Petition of Right, 1688.

L /   The Habeous Corpus Act 1640.

M /  The Bill of Rights, 1688.

N /  The Coronation Oath Act, 1689.

O /   The Act of Settlement, 1700 

Mindful of the determination proclaimed by the peoples of the world in the Charter of the United Nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.

Your Majesty’s justices are duty bound to preserve and perform Your Majesty’s Coronation Oath.  I remind Your Majesty of the words of Chief Justice Wilmot in R V Almon  (1765)

“The king is de jure to distribute justice to all his subjects and, because he cannot do himself to all persons, he delegates his power to his judges, who have custody and guard of the King’s oath and sit in the seat of the King concerning justice”

Your Majesty’s justices are duty bound to preserve and perform the Sacred Covenants in Magna Carta, by virtue of the following constitutional enactments.