2024/09/25th   – How desperate is the Cabal ?

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1 – How desperate is the Cabal now ?

Here is a link to videos produced by Dustin Nemos who has gone to great lengths to PROVE that Trump is a Jew/Mason, or even the anti-Christ and everything else. Note – people have been trying the prove the anti-Christ for 2000 years and Trump, like so many others, is far too old. Th AC will appear out of nowhere and the whole world will clap him on. Ain’t nobody that everyone loves. Dustin is even claiming these videos are Q productions. Watch if you really want.


However, it begs the questions – How did Trump of Scottish descent (tribe of Ephriam) change his DNA to become a joo ? and When did he go to London for the 33rd level Mason ceremony of sodomising a boy and cutting his head off ? Is the actor playing Trump so brilliant to deceive us all? Here the real Trump at the UN ↓ ↓

and Trump declaring his Christianity

2 – Do NOT go to the links for any “QFS system” on Telegram

Dr. Ward told us that our bank accounts are being mirrored by the Alliance system, and that after the ‘Fall of the Cabal’… we will be given access to the new system.  Nobody needs to sign up for anything….. Warning, Warning, “magpie” Judy Byington….

The Telegram channels are NOT screened… NOT verified… and many criminals, terrorists and even national armies use it … which was disclosed in the MSM when the ‘leader’ of Telegram was arrested in August? 

The Telegram platform is so ‘freedom of speech’ that evil says whatever it wants…. And the idiot ‘good people’ believe everything they read. 24 Aug 2024 Billionaire Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested In France https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/billionaire-telegram-ceo-pavel-durov-arrested-france

On 9/19/24 Mike from Around the World told us to watch 3 dates… and extrapolate intel from them… because:  “You cannot undo the misdeeds of another.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u01g-v21k-c

September 23 + September 27 + September 29.

3a – 100 Euros note – look closely

3b – Did Bill and Melinda Gates die in 2013?  


4 – Laser to change the weather – 9 years ago 

5a – Thousands left disabled from jab

5b – How Covid deaths are recorded – fraud

5c – First suicide pod death capsule – arrests

The first 2 mins is enough

COPY TO URL https://old.bitchute.com/video/9Ji7Do3DSBpr/

5d – UK hired mercenary nurses to euthanise millions

The heading says it all     it is 10.5 hrs


6a – The Red Shoes Club – all pedo pals

6b – Underground Wall St New York – Riss Flex

COPY TO URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOa5LcOhxh0

7a – FCC fast-tracks George Soros’ purchase of 220+ radio stations before November’s election – More Propaganda

7b – Jeff Rahm discusses RV + Brunson Bros 

8 – Local resident questions Woolworths CEO 

9a – Rivers of Oil

Arab man – the Earth is flat and there are rivers of oil below. And there are other civilizations outside the ice wall

9b – Barbara O’Neill – restoring your hormone balance

9c – Careful which light bulbs you use

10a – Tree lopping with lasers

10b – Disney movies and cartoons – sex programming

11a – Just Mayhem With Mel – 25 Sept

11b – Restored Republic via a GCR as of Sep 25

It still sounds pretty solid that everything is going to start happening on Tues. 1 Oct. – the EBS,  notification for appointments, starting of the 10 days of communication darkness, complete US government  shutdown and I don’t know what else. Readers need to prepare. Our world is changing.



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