2024/09/11th – The New Monkeypox scamdemic

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There are dozens of commentaries on the trump Harris debate if you want to watch yet another part of the movie. What a distraction ! JFK summed it up

1 – Dr. David Martin reveals truths about this new Monkeypox SCAMdemic being pushed on us

For your own safety and education, people need to take 25 min and listen to this very honest and reputable man who is well respected world-wide.  The world is being programmed to accept Genocide of the wold’s  population that will take place very shortly as already there have been approximately 31 million excess deaths from the insidious mRNA Inoculations that are NOT a vaccine by ANY definition. This will continue to increase from the first phase of the so-called Covid injections to be replaced by the Mpox Inoculations.  If you want your family and friends to survive this brain-washing indoctrination process you must take the time to learn what is really happening in the world and STOP listening to the propaganda from TV and radio who are in the business of the aiding and abetting the CORPORATIONS in Eugenics who will mislead and have been misleading the public by their heavy censorship control.  Watch if you want @ 1.25 speed


2a – There are dozens of commentaries on the Trump Harris debate if you want to watch yet another part of the movie. What a distraction ! JFK summed it up well

2b – What Kamala Wore During the Debate

WOW they are quick to notice

3 – Brace yourself – RFK exposes the CIA

Trees are dying from the top down and snapping off! I was doing some research and I found this clip by Robert Kennedy Jr and he is spilling the beans on some crazy stuff!! This video clip explains a lot if you listen closely! @ 1.25


4 – The hours long outage in the Netherlands

prevented the elite from escaping by plane or notifying each other of any arrests ongoing. Phones were down, regular communications via email were down, so the arrestees could be taken by surprise. Notably the EU has been thickly covered by military planes for over a week, busy doing a stealth deportation of migrants. Using military planes instead of commercial cargo planes prevents the public from being aware of the process, thus no warning for the migrants about to be arrested. But two days later, on August 30, other countries had power failures. Venezuela where Maduro had recently stolen the election and Kenya near the Houthis stronghold had outages on the same day. Is this related to arrests or due to something else? I believe it’s arrests. Author unknown

5 – Australia’s twisted history.

see also  all items 2 + 3 + 4  ↓ ↓ https://www.larryhannigan.com.au/australia/

6 – More pictures that tell heaps

I am tired of trying to sort out fake news – just read the pics

7 – 4 Beautiful Performances


End of Post

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