2024/08/25th – How polls are rigged

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What you know and hope for and what you have been told might not happen the way you want.  Be flexible.

1a – Rigged Polls Create False Narrative to enable election theft  


1b – How polls are rigged in every country

Last week, folks were sent a request for answers to 3 questions: 

1.  if the election was held today, who would get your vote for president?  

2.  what are the 2 most important issues to you?

3.  when was the last timeyou voted for a candidate from the other party? 

Well, of the about 500 people who were sent that request, all, all the responses came from people who would vote for Trump.  None, none, were from any people who would vote for Harris while at least a quarter of the recipients are known Democrats.  Shocking.  Why would Democrats refuse to respond?  Someone please explain.  Why would Democrats refuse to respond?  Lots of interesting responses came from the Trump voters.  Of most interest was that 7% of those who would vote for Trump had voted for Democrats in the last 20 years.  7% switched.   About those issues that have people voting for Trump: 68% because of the border/immigration.  63% because of the economy/energy/oil/inflation.  11% because of trust/leadership in the president.  7% to fight socialism/globalism/UN/big government/deep state. If a list had been provided to make an unlimited amount of choices, then probably all of those items would be chosen by Trump voters.   Interestingly, only 2 responses (2%) freely said to make America great again.  If fixing the border/immigration and fixing the economy/energy/oil/inflation and getting new leadership are considered to be ways to make America great again, then making America great again can be inferred in all of the responses. Why would Democrats not respond?

2a – Trump posted about DeFi.

DeFi = Decentralized Finance = End of Traditional Banks. Big changes coming.

2b – What Is Decentralised Banking ?


3a – Who Is Running The USofA

3b – 60 Minutes bashes Trump

Watch if you want – Nothing to do with Tump running the country – and as Kamala admitted – “I know nothing about running the country” On the leftie 60 minutes programming show, it was all about the Trump internal family disputes, which every family has. How many families have them especially from the Covid Hoax which divided most families as it it was designed to do?


Expect some dirt digging on RFK Jnr soon ??

4a – What is going on in Australia ?

Pretty accurate description from an ordinary guy


4b – Souless Political Parties

4c – Jacqui Lambie Network kicks out two MPs


4d – Kamala Harris impersonator teaches Tucker how to cackle


5a – Qld Public Trustee – complaints were ‘not substantiated’. Refunds tell a different story


5b – ASIC.gov website for unclaimed Monies is currently under maintenance – how convenient ?


5c – Dragged kicking and screaming: Albanese’s priority was ‘tennis’ not Alice Springs


5d – Severe wather warning – NSW, VIC and SA 


6a – Gaza Refugees

1. The U.S.A took 17 so called refugees from GAZA.

2. The U.K took 160

3. The surrounding Arab countries took none.

4. Australia took 3000 on 24 hr un-checked tourist VISAs.

Remember 75% of Palestinian GAZANS support Hamas. By those figures we have allowed into Australia 2250 terrorists. Albanese can crow all wants that the same procedures are in place as we’re there when the Libs were in. BUT, he didn’t use them. And, yes perhaps the Libs allowed in 1000 Palestinians, but there was no war and all of the procedures and appropriate stringent checks were enforced. HUGE difference.

6b – Rabbi says it’s oh to have sex with a toddler

The “Chosen people” – a blessing to the nations” – yeah right

7a – The Selective enforcement of laws

From Turning Point Australia

7b – Telegram CEO Pavel Durov arrested

arrested in France and facing 20 years in jail for refusing to censor his platform. The charges include terrorism, money laundering, and more—looks like they’re targeting anyone who defends free speech.

Russia’s embassy in France is taking “immediate steps” to clarify the situation around Pavel Durov, the CEO of the Telegram messaging app, after reports of his arrest in France, Russia’s TASS state news agency reported on Sunday. Citing a representative from the Russian embassy in France, TASS reported that there had been no appeal from Durov’s team to the embassy, but that it was proactively taking “immediate” steps


8 – Just Mayhem with Mel 25th

This is her contact link on Telegram. https://t.me/Melmica

9 – More clever musicians in restaurants etc

End of Post

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