Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors
Where to buy – Ivermectin, Buy the 12 mg –https://buyivermectin.store/product-category/hydroxychloroquine/ – Also buy here – https://makismd.substack.com/p/ivermectin-and-fenbendazole-testimonial-c2a – And you can get it in a Tube known as EQUIMEC from your local Veterinary supplies * Fear not – it will simply eliminate your parasites
The coming days will be historic. They will mark a before and an after. The end of wokeness, insanity, depravity, injustice and evil. And the start of an era based on peace, prosperity, justice, morality and healing. It’s going to take a lot of work, courage and strength; the enemy will not walk away quietly into the night, they will fight and destroy as much as they can, but we’re ready for it. I wonder if the last four years were the ‘storm’, or if Trump is about to unleash it. I guess we will see very soon! I’m excited about the future for the first time in a very long time. I pray we will not be disappointed.
I may take the night off on the 22nd as we all wait in anticipation, so take your time – there is plenty to absorb here –
And please don’t just glance at the titles and end up with your uninformed opinion .. (eg 1b)
1a – Full Donald Trump inauguration speech
1b – People are freaking out because Trump did not have his hand on the Bible
They don’t pay attention to what is going on or they watch too fast to hear the message
1c – Trump Signs his First Executive Orders
2a – What you possibly missed at Trump’s Inauguration…
2b – Barron whispered something to Joe Biden and his face instantly changed. What did he say?
Link – https://old.bitchute.com/video/8YpYZ3lNv7W4/
2c – Caught them All
3a – Trump’s Inauguration Speech – What every real Christian should know
Remember – Noah’s flood was a great reset to cleanse the Earth of evil
3b – Trump Now President – America’s Golden Age Begins
Dr. William Mount – a wise opinion
4a – At Inauguration, Trump Fulfils Ending Gender Lunacy Promise:
4b – What executive orders is Trump signing ?
4c – The US withdraws from the WHO
5a – The Entire Room Erupts After Trump Drops Chilling Announcements
5b – Trump’s 3 Big Attacks in 1st Speech as President Trump Drops Border Emergency, Gender War Bombshell
6a – The final battle begins – Benjamin Fulford
Today Donald Trump formally takes power and this will trigger the FINAL BATTLE for the Earth. To win Donald Trump must nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and end its’ system of Babylonian debt slavery. The future of our species is at stake, if we LOSE this battle, we will spend our lives in the human equivalent of chicken factory farms. If we WIN, we will be able to choose our own futures according to our dreams and desires.
6b – CNN Immediately tries to sabotage Trump
7a – Trump’s message to PM Albanese
7b – Trump is getting things Done in just hours
8 – Restored Republic – January 20, 2025
9 – COVID was orchestrated
10a – The Hanging Tree
10b – Camp Justice – Gitmo trials soon ?
11a – Freemason NASA Astro-not Buzz Aldrin admits twice
Link – https://old.bitchute.com/video/wHRe9MehaJly/
11b – Straight out of the Talmud
Link – https://old.bitchute.com/video/iesQ2AXzdeCl/
11c – Crisis Actors are part of the Cabal – watch the symbolism
Link – https://old.bitchute.com/video/7IDYaWPDVGNc/
12a – Bitcoin is and will be worthless
12a – Quantum Financial System – QFS – qfs.live
Click on Updates – https://qfs.live/#google_vignette
12b – The Australian Government is set to launch the biggest project in History
covering all Australian Banks, Stocks, and much more. This ground breaking initiative will encompass all kinds of financial operations – Albo isn’t in control of this so stay grounded. I’ll go through this more as things settle There are to be plenty of changes Some are good 👍 It’s only first glance but it ties with NEW QUANTUM system Same with the Medicare etc We will go over it. They are dead scared of the QFS – Posted by Melissa
13 – Wolf Spider in WA
14 – We need to get this out to all politicians
From Gil – Well known but disregarded by OUR RE-PRESENTATIVES and PUBLIC SERPENTS!!!! Why do we import people from third world countries when we are almost a third world country already? We are rapidly becoming a third worldocracy!
THE BASE CAUSE OF ANTISEMITISM AND TERRORIST ACTS ARE WELL KNOWN. Why do governments refuse to take preventative action?
Irrefutable Medical studies from these 19 countries clearly identified the base causative factors: Qatar, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Bahrain, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Jordan, Oman, Tunisia, Palestinian Arabs, Arab Newborns In Jerusalem, India, Norway, Europe & America — 47 studies from 19 countries all found the same causative base factors. These studies identified the medical problem of ‘Recessive Genetic Disorders’ from consanguineous inbreeding over generations causing these genetic diseases: chromosomal disorders, mental retardation, schizophrenic illness, spinal muscular atrophy, cystic fibrosis, physical handicaps, hydro-cephalus, Down syndrome, heart diseases, blood diseases of thalassemia a potentially fatal haemoglobin deficiency, sickle cell anaemia, amenorrhea, mucopolysaccharidosis, sensorineural deafness, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes, limb anomaly, epilepsy, cleft palate, inflammatory bowel disease, familial multiple sclerosis, bronchial asthma, autosomal recessive disorders, morbidity and mortality, congenital malformations, ambiguous genitalia, multiple congenital anomalies, stillbirths, high infant mortality.
The resulting mental retardation and low IQ results in them being antisocial, belligerent and being easily taught antisemitism hatred from their peers with religious accolade promise of paradise. These ‘Recessive Genetic Disorders’ make them unemployable due to inability to learn new social norms, respectful customs, new laws or language and assimilate into new environments, low intelligence leads to violent over reactions-crime-radicalization and terrorism — and high long term medical costs being huge lifelong financial and social burden upon Medicare and the government for life, plus their offspring who carry their Recessive Genetic Disorders into their future children.
Mandatory Blood Tests For Recessive Genetic Disorders Must Be Applied To All Migrants — Without Exception.
Once recessive genetic disorders have entered a country it lasts for many generations at high social and financial costs, unemployment, medical costs, from crime, violence, fanaticism and antisocial behaviour.
Australian immigration prohibits anyone who has a serious health problem from entry on the grounds they will become a future burden on Medicare and the taxpayers, they must have a clear Certificate of Health.
This same requirement on mental health and those carrying recessive genetic disorders needs to be a compulsory requirement for ALL migrants. Studies done by medical scientists and researchers listed hereunder establish irrefutable proof of this very serious problem we do not want to further import into Australia which is the basis for antisocial activities, radicalization, fanaticism, hatred of anything not Islamic and terrorism. Due to the requirement of needing time to understand these problems facing the destruction of Australia as we know it today, many ignore these facts as it is appears all too much and too confronting for them where they hide and cringe from reality, allowing these problems to escalate and compound. This is a serious national identity, public safety, terrorism prevention, massive government and social cost — and destructive burden upon your children and future generations
Attached are the list of these studies for you to read these important science medical studies, allowing you to fully understand the real problems and deal with them by legislation in Australia.
47 STUDIES FROM 19 COUNTRIES — These studies have caused great concern on how to overcome their nation’s low IQ of their people.
QATAR – Consanguineous unions and child health in the State of Qatar
MOROCCO – Consanguineous marriages in Morocco and the consequence for the incidence of autosomal recessive disorders
SAUDI ARABIA – Consanguinity and major genetic disorders in Saudi children: a community-based cross-sectional study
IRAN – The frequency of consanguineous marriages and their effects on offsprings in Tabriz city Congenital malformations among live births at Arvand Hospital, Ahwaz, Iran – a prospective study
KUWAIT – Primary immunodeficiency disorders in Kuwait: first report from Kuwait national primary immunodeficiency registry. Hypertension and its determinants among primary-school children in Kuwait: an epidemiological study. Profile of major congenital malformations in neonates in Al-Jahra region of Kuwait. – The effect of consanguinity on congenital disabilities in the Kuwaiti population
LEBANON – The prevalence of consanguineous marriage in an underserved area in Lebanon and its association with congenital anomalies. Major congenital malformations presenting in the first 24 hours of life in 3865 consecutive births in south of Beirut, incidence and pattern
BAHRAIN – Consanguineous marriages and their effects on common adult diseases: studies from an endogamous population
EGYPT – Consanguineous matings among Egyptian population. Profile of genetic disorders prevalent in northeast region of Cairo, Egypt
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – The profile of major congenital abnormalities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) population Genetic disorders in the Arab world. Consanguineous marriages in the United Arab Emirates. Genetic contribution to high neonatally lethal malformation rate in the United Arab Emirates
SUDAN – Inbreeding effects on reproductive outcome in a Sudanese population
JORDAN – Consanguineous marriages in Jordan: why is the rate changing with time? Consanguinity and genetic disorders. Profile from Jordan. Consanguinity, fertility, reproductive wastage, infant mortality and congenital malformations in Jordan
OMAN – Profile of major congenital anomalies in the Dhahira region, Oman
TUNISIA – Malformations in 10,000 consecutive births in Tunis
PALESTINIAN ARABS – Genetic disorders among Palestinian Arabs: effects of consanguinity
ARAB NEWBORNS IN JERUSALEM – Association of parental consanguinity with congenital malformations among Arab newborns in Jerusalem
INDIA – Congenital malformations, reproductive wastage and consanguineous mating. The effect of inbreeding on mortality and morbidity. Consanguinity and chromosomal abnormality in mental retardation and or multiple congenital anomaly
NORWAY – Influence of consanguinity and maternal education on risk of stillbirths and infant death in Norway, 1967–1993
EUROPE – Genetic referrals of middle Eastern origin in a western city: inbreeding and disease profile
AMERICA – Consanguineous Marriages and their Effect on Pregnancy. Coefficients of inbreeding and relationship
We recommend you additionally read.
1. First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to ‘appalling’ disabilities among children — Baroness Shreela Flatter
British Pakistanis are THIRTEEN times more likely to have disabled children because of intermarriage
Disastrous consequences of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first-cousins. Almost half of Muslims are inbred. How does that affect intelligence and health? And is there a connection to terrorism and violence ?
3. Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs — HIH National Library of Medicine
4. Genetic disorders in the Arab world — Saudi Arabia
5. Prospect of genetic disorders in Saudi Arabia
6. Consanguinity and its relevance to clinical genetics
Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics
Volume 14, Issue 2, April 2013, Pages 157-164
7. The Determinants of Consanguineous Marriages among the Arab Population: A Systematic Review Iranian Journal of public Health. The Determinants of Consanguineous Marriages among the Arab Population: A Systematic Review – PMC (nih.gov)
8. Saudi Arabia Awakes to the Perils of Inbreeding. The New York Times
9. When Cousins Marry: A Review Of Consanguinity In The Middle East
10. Eva Vlaardingerbroek Dutch MP:on Migration – the forbidden truth speech at the CPAC convention in Hungry
Learn the lessons from Europe before it is unstoppable in Australia
11. The Problem of Inbreeding in Islam
https://pjmedia.com/nicolai-sennels/2010/09/19/the-problem-of-inbreeding-in-islam n12758
12. Saudi Arabia Awakes to the Perils of Inbreeding
The New York Times By Sarah Kershaw
13. The Kamber Commentary. 1400 years of inbreeding has severely damaged the Muslim Gene Pool, By Bryan Fischer
14. 64% of Palestinian refugees taken in by Denmark in 1992 now have criminal records https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYQ9ggO6Lhk