2024/5/005th  – The time is NOW

Click links on little square box, bottom right to play vids full screen.   Vids with no links are from Telegram or attachments

Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me

Some of you are still using smartass phones in attempting to view this site and the side panel does not show for you to sign up. Email me your both names and your email – I will sign you in – larry@wheylite.com.au – PS you’ll see much more on a real computer

1a – The time is NOW . for some

1b – Do you care ?

2a – FBI agent sacked for exposing pedos

2b – Labor just voted to keep pedos out of jail 

2c – Albo’s addiction to immigration >> recession    

A lot of truth here – watch it all

2d – Albo – another temper tantrum


2e – Russia told us who the ASIO agents are in Australia . be surprised

3b – Why do more + more people support Trump . CNN    

3b – Trump after court

After court this evening,  stops by Engine 8/Ladder 2/Battalion 8 on 51st St in New York City to deliver pizzas, and thank the Great men and women of the of the NYFD

3c – Message to the Us Corporation


4a – Pascal Najadi message to the world

Thank you dear Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy for being amongst us together with your great invincible 🇺🇸family and for posting this on your great new Telegram Channel https://t.me/c/1776965825/4424 All of you are beyond biblical invincible warriors of valour defending and protecting our divine Human Species, You are our Heroes of Absolute Truth.

My mother Heidi, fiancee Isabelle and I send to all of you abundant and eternal Love and Light. Together, WeThePeople on our divine Earth, our paradise given to us in the Universe created by God the almighty: « We are the Guardians of Humanity and our Light Obliterates the darkness of evil and treason, Always »

#WWG1WGA-JFK ´Q’ Sincerely, pnajadi@spaceforce.center

4b – Pascal Najadi explosive interview Space force behind the scenes and . Must watch Trump news

4c – Just in – Pascal blows the lid on President Trump, Flynn and Musk

Recorded only part of this long vid @1.25

watch all here if you want

Pascal Najadi: Spills the Beans About the Current Wartime President & CIC Donald J. Trump – The World Must Know! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

5a – 49 US Senators sign letter to Biden to stop WHO power grab


5b – You won’t believe what happened in the US


6b – Why they killed Muammar Gaddafi 

Short video11 mins


Longer video – 1 hour altho the above video sums it up very well

7a – The satanic bloodline

Texe Marrs knew the enemy but in the beginning he did not really understand, but Yahweh led him to the truth.  He has a vast library to enjoy, a great warrior for Yahweh

The Serpent People Return to Ukraine (texemarrs.com)

7b- Lucifer’s Temple – Inside the Vatican



8a – Water as fuel for cooking 

8b – The Living Water

8c – What we have been taught is myth, legend or hidden and suppressed history

8d – An Ocean of water 435 miles below the Earth’s surface

Reminds me of the Bible description Gen 1.7 and 7.11 and other verses eh ??

9a – Make your own solar panel

9b – These were all built in late 1800s in Australia

All done by hand tools, convicts with carts and pulleys ? yeah right

10a – Happy Birthday

10b – Your musical item

“Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.”

End of Post

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