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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors
1 – General Flynn is preparing people for what’s to come in the next 37 days or so…
He says ‘We are in a period where we are going to see such a level of desperation in the next 37 days. What you think you have been through already in the last 8 years, what we are about to experience in the next couple of weeks/month plus…I think it’s going to blow the minds of people. I think we are going to see things that we have not experienced as a nation’. ‘We are in a war right now, this is an intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual war’. ‘People have to faith in each other, we are facing a dark soulless group of people that have no soul. They are dark hearted. Their idea about how the United States should be, is without a constitution’. Amour up friends…. Red October coming in fast. ready or not… If you don’t know why 37 days, you haven’t been paying attention !
2 – Trump’s prayer …
3 – Port workers strike Tuesday 1st in America
Australia could also be hit by disruptions from a severe global supply chain crisis, which looks likely to kick-off next Tuesday
4 – Who remembers – 1977 BBC TV News
Maybe the Cabal will try a stunt like this again in October ? A lot easier than a fake alien invasion
5 – Long lasting foods and supplies – Australia
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6 – Gregorian Calendar
7a – New Jap vax
7b – U.N. Approves Biometric World I.D.
More fear tactics ?? Nothing is inevitable All prophesy is conditional – 2nd Chronicles 7:14-16 ……Play @ 1.5 speed and Watch all
8 – Restored Republic 30 Sep
9 – Gold Coast markets shut down by Council
10 – Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed currency has officially entered general circulation today.
Payout for Tier Groups involved in the RV:
The Dubai Accounts Funds the RV: Dubai 1 fundsTiers 1&2 of the RVand Dubai 2 funds Tiers 3&4 of the RV, while Dubai 3 funds the Adjudicated Accounts and GESARA. The payout of the Bonds and Currency is done in order of the different tiers. There are five Tiers that will be exchanging: Tiers 1, 2, 3, 4 &5. Liquidity Release is done in a certain order. The Elders, German Bonds and select Yellow Dragon Bonds must be paid first and have been.
A. Dubai 1 released for liquidity which then triggers Dubai 2&3.
B. F&P’s are released to recipients (they need D1 liquid, this is their hold up)
C. Bonds will be liquid (they need D1 to be liquid)
D. Tiers 1-4b are notified. (they need D1 to be liquid) It appears all is set to go on or about the same time!
Tier 1 Sovereign Nation Debt of Governments: Chinese Royals, Bond Holders, Paymasters, Church Groups, CMKX, F&P, Adjudicated Settlements, Ranch and Farm Claims and other groups.
Tier 2 Royals, Elders, Whales, Military Generals and some political type Elites with platforms of currency, corporations, etc.
Tier 3 Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Pentecostal group was now 100% under an NDA. Tier 3 was all Dubai 2 Trust Money and originally was the Generals and public. Now Tier 3 includes groups with projects including the Admiral. The Admiral was sent to the back of the line and renamed Tier 4A (really just a pie slice of tier 3). The Admiral’s Group was composed of three parts – most notable of which was Tier4a Core groups and 130 VIP groups.
Tier 4B, (us, the Internet Group) is the largest group and composed of the general public who paid attention to the intel – the people who have bought currency and/or bonds and kept up with the reset by way of information on the Internet.
Tier 5 The general public who never paid attention to the Intel. The official GO for Tier 4b has not been released yet. It can happen any moment. As all Tier1-4b are funded, we await the final release to reach to our level.
It’s a process. It’s tedious and time consuming – making adjustments as needed along the way for accuracy and safety of all involved. It’s a very quiet & discrete operation, where the general public is left uninformed for obvious reasons. Pay attention to the levels that are ahead of us. That will help give a better understanding of where we are, in relation to it reaching the 4b level. BUT, it is unfolding. And when it reaches our levels, there will be no doubts. It’s coming! Keep the faith.