2024/09/24th – Bring it all on ASAP

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1a – How long is it going to take ?

1b – Bill Gates whines that Trump won’t continue his climate change and HIV programs

1c – EPA chief – Trump is NOT part of Project 2025

2a – General Patton’s warning on Germany and the interlopers

2b – Jimmy Dore exposes Israel – the interlopers

2c – The Israeli Agenda: Compromised leaders cannot lead

3 – Does nicotine destroy nanotech ?

This is DENTAL NANOTECH. So it’s interesting to see the tobacco wars going on, especially down there in Melbourne. Govco continues to push the price of tobacco up and up and up to the point where it is $60 or $70 for a pack.

4 – Taylor Swift insider – Adrenochrome contracts elites must sign


5 – Reptilians, lizards and shape shifters          


6 – 6G Radiation – humans – another species  

7a – The United Nations ‘Pact for the Future’.

(OurCommonFuture) represents an unconstitutional effort to establish a treaty that undermines the sovereignty of the United States by allowing international organizations to declare a global state of emergency without our consent. This is detrimental not only to the U.S. but also to the entire world. The UN will be defunded – Trump

7b – It’s all coming to an end as we said it will


8a – Kamala showing ‘signs of panic’ as she suffers another blow in the polls


8b – Kamala loses key State  

9a – Biden-Harris regime advertising – $150,000 hit on Trump 

9b – At lease 5 assassination teams targeting Trump 


10a – Whistle blower Shaun

It is happening – Shaun at a summit at Trump Tower with Juan O Saven  and others.

10b – Vote for Lib/Lab = a cashless society within 3 years

I put this up just to show how rotten out Govt is on both sides . Plan all they want – The QFS and BRICS will kill their plans No more Fiat moneySee Global Currency Reset below and listen to 11a


11a – New SG Anon File 81:

Project Aurora: Bank of International Settlements, Anti Money Laundering Project to Eliminate Terrorism.  Trump Says You May Never See Me Again (@ 24 mins)    

11b – WW3 is approaching – a nuclear strike on London?  

More fear tactics? – This is just a simulation – most of ye know there are no nuclear bombs – just massive fire bombs 

12 – More reasons they want to stop Trump

13 – Restored Republic – 24 Sept

14a – I have everything thing I need or want

From Charles in Canada – It’s been kind of strange reaching a point in my life where I have everything I need or want. And how much is that worth? There are two things I value more than anything else: good health and financial security. I have both and you can believe me when I tell you this: I don’t take either of those for granted. And I never will.  I’d be a fool to believe that I have complete control of my health or finances. And I guess that’s what makes men grow more “conservative” late in life, more concerned with preserving a life of low stress and no worries. 

But, let’s face it, a life lived without risk is quite likely to be one that ends in a death that I certainly don’t want. No one ever seems to worry about the most likely and most horrifying end-of-life scenario most of us face:  a long, slow, agonizing death involving great suffering, a complete lack of any dignity at all, largely ignored (in other words, treated as, essentially, worthless). Sorry, you can count me out. I will not die like my brother or my father, both of whom died last year.  I am fortunate that I live in Canada which has legal “Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID)”, and I have a family doctor who told me she understands my feelings completely. In fact, she told me recently, she’s made her own arrangements, through a lawyer, and she’s still in her thirties.

14b – Man Power – wow

What if he added a flywheel + springs device to keep the battery full ?

15 – Noah’s Ark & the return of the Nephilim


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