2024/09/23rd  – Good v Evil: the end is nigh

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors

Do you realize that the people will NEVER understand anything, as long as the ‘good men?good shepherd pastors? continue to hide information from them… and become as in Isaiah 56.11…. Meanwhile for the people… Fear knocked at the door,  faith answered, no one was there… and Hosea 4.6 takes over because Eph 5.11 is ignored – it is a command, not a mere suggestion.

1a – Why is Britain being so attacked on all fronts

Because they are the real Israel – The “twelve tribes” refers to twelve sons of Jacob, who formed the true nation of Israel and were children of the promise given to Abraham – James 1.1, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings. After the 10 tribes of true Israel went north, they eventually moved west into Europe and seven of the tribes moved to the British isles. – Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

1b – NO MORE immigration – Irish flood Dublin streets in fury to demand END to mass migration

Irish people fill Dublin streets in FURY to demand END to mass migration


2a – Trump is about to change everything – this is why they want him dead 

2b – Been waiting 8 long years – will be worth it 

2c – RFK describes classic Trump

3a – Trump – it’s too late for a 2nd debate

3b – The DS plot to kill Trump is more sinister than you think


3c – America’s future by top prophecy expert

The first few minutes says it all ?


4a – No one is ready for what’s coming this Fall Gerald Celente


4b – Sky News host hilariously mocks Kamala Harris in brutal takedown


5a – Taylor Swift’s popularity plummets after Kamala endorsement


5b – In less than 5 mins, the UN’s vote to take over the world was OVER

The UN can plan all they like – One of the first things Trump and Q will do is defund itSee the real UN headquarters next – Video 1


5c – The WHO is hell-bent on the biggest global power grab in all recorded human history

6a – The White Rabbit – Australia

Likewise – they will also be defunded and arrestedFear knocked at the door.   Faith answered.   No one was there.”

6b – Astrid Stuclelberger – Transhumanism

Wake up people – more UN and WHO fantasies to be defunded and the criminals will be executed

6c – Divide and conquer

7a – Exposing Michelle and Barack Obama – both are gay and pedos

7b – The connections to Oprah

7c – Why on Earth was Jacinda Ardern in Canada?

8a – Restored Republic – 23 Sept

8b – Juan O’ Savin: Get ready! It’s coming! – cue the marines

Sunday, September 22, 2024 11:54 JUAN:  That is the way it is:  America is coming back. We are going to take back control of our country and our government. And unfortunately, the only option at this point in time is NOT citizens with pitchforks. Fact:  It will be the Military Option…AFTER lawful civilian authority is put into POWER as the American people voted for.

8c – HUGE CLASH – Stay inside & lock your doors It’s going down right now in Chicago   play @1.5


9a – ACCC launches legal action against Woolworths and Coles


9b – Qld elections – a letter for you to write

Electoral Commission Queensland GPO Box 1393 Brisbane. And all others including natural freedom seekers and political interests

NOTICE Date /…./…. 202

  1. Queensland Government elections are almost here, and Australian Government elections are not very far away. SO, WHO OR WHAT ARE WE, THE NATURAL PEOPLE, TO BE VOTING FOR, IF AT ALL?
  2. Since the State and Federal Governmental entities who claim to be “Government” in Australia are registered overseas corporations, with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington DC (form 18-KA), what duty or allegiance have we, the natural people, True Blue Australian, got to do with FOREIGNERS?
  3. That is, where or how are we, the people, obligated to direct our allegiance or loyalty, Australia or America? Does our country have some sort of divided or multilevel system of “compliance”, and to whom, and for whose purpose?
  4. Has our unequivocally, irrevocably and enshrined sovereign and unalienable rights been subverted, stolen, violated, or re-hypothecated without our consent, and for whose benefit? Are we, the natural people, inflicted with institutional treason?
  5. Be profoundly reminded that we, the people, were NOT born as slaves, or to be inflicted with involuntary servitude to power grabbers and loot merchants.
  6. We, the natural people, desire peace and tranquillity without unconscionable interlopers who seek to steal and plunder our freedom and substance.
  7. Consequently, if we, the people, should enter a poling or voting facility, or even if we were to vote, it is NOT to be taken or construed as though we were entering into a contract to accept, or be liable for fees, taxes, charges, tolls, levies, loans, borrowings, interest on the same, or any bondage and debt servitude.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED by me, and we, the people.

My name is Thomas. (As named by parents, who did NOT name me as  “Smith”)

C/- Address ………………… Initials – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


End of Post

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