2024/09/19th – Standing up to Labor’s misinformation Bill

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1a – Coalition ‘finally’ standing up to Labor’s misinformation Bill

Sky News host Rowan Dean says the Coalition is now “finally” standing up against the Albanese government’s misinformation bill. Earlier this week, US tech billionaire Elon Musk had a whack at the Australian government – calling its effort to tackle misinformation online “fascist”. “It’s been a big week for banning the internet,” Mr Dean said. “We’ve had the misinformation, disinformation bill which was put forward a few months ago, turned down, now back worse than ever before.”


1b – Andrew Bolt blasts Labor’s dangerous attitude towards free speech


1c – John Howard says Donald Trump is ‘not compatible with democracy’

John Howard was the PM who disarmed Australians after the Port Arthur event in 1996 and continually uses the fake term – Democracy


The White Hats have told us we would be brought to the BRINK of WW3

2a – Russia openly threatens to wipe out UK   with hypersonic missiles; Putin aide’s chilling threat


2b – NATO surrender after Putin’s war threat; UK, U.S. block Ukraine from hitting Russian territory


3a – Republicans rally against UN and WHO

3b – US government shutdown imminent? Lawmakers fail to pass stopgap funding bill for six-month extension

Congress needs to pass a stopgap spending bill before October 1, when current funding expires just weeks before the November elections. However, Republicans and Democrats were divided over a voting bill which asked for proof of citizenship from voters.


3c – Just Released RFK Jr & Trump Advert

This is full of comms – be alert


There will be no voting in November – Trump already won! Forty five thru forty seven. Are you paying attention?

4 – Revolutionary changes happening now

What is about to take place is nothing short of revolutionary. Starlink is the launch pad for a quantum revolution that’s going to break the hold of all hidden powers across the Earth. But don’t be fooled—this is bigger. Much bigger. Starlink is positioned for something greater but we are also waiting for Project Odin to be unleashed. The MOSSAD satellite system must be taken down first, then the blackout will occur like never before, and from that void, the new system will rise. It’s not just speculation anymore—as the MOSSAD satellites have been compromised. What does that mean? 

A global blackout, the world’s media suddenly going dark, sending shockwaves through every corner of the Earth. Imagine a world where their control over information vanishes, leaving space for the truth to finally break through. This isn’t just the fall of a system—it’s a Biblical-scale revelation. Like Babylon’s fall, the lies and deception that have held the world in a stranglehold are crumbling. We are in the midst of a war that goes far beyond Earth—this is a battle that spans galaxies, dimensions, and even the fabric of reality itself. At the heart of all of this revolution is Project Odin and the Quantum Financial Systems (QFS). This isn’t just a financial tool; this is the endgame. 

QFS obliterates the old system of shadowy deals and centralized control. Every transaction within QFS is transparent, secure, and beyond the reach of the dark cabal. But the real weapon here is Project Odin. This isn’t just some backroom conspiracy—it’s a strategic move, targeting MOSSAD’s control over the media. When Project Odin is activated it will knock out their satellites, plunging the world into silence. And in that silence, the Quantum Financial Systems will rise, forever changing the way humanity operates. The EBS is Coming and the military is prepared worldwide.

The Emergency Broadcast System will step  to announce the dawn of a new age, one where the shackles of oppression are shattered and humanity finally takes back its freedom. If you have been paying attention you should know the Revolution Has Begun. Project Odin and the QFS are not theories—they are real and they are happening. The storm is no longer coming—it’s here. Those who have seen the truth are ready. The revolution isn’t some far-off dream; it’s unfolding right before your eyes. Arm yourself with the truth. Stand tall, and prepare for the new world that’s about to be born.


5a – NASA real space station

5b – Hold onto your gold and silver

6 – Restored Republic 19 Sept

7a – The real enemy of Trump that can’t be seen or touched, but controls everything – not for long


7b – Something fishy and suspicious about Trump assassination Attempt


8 – Countdown to the ISO 20022 US Deadline

Countdown to the ISO 20022 US Deadline The second half of 2024 is a crucial time for US banks and financial institutions to be completing plans to meet the March 2025 ISO 20022 changeover deadline. Q3 2024 closes in weeks, and the deadline – now just months away – is approaching fast. There is also the end of the Swift global co-existence period looming in November 2025. As of August 2024, only 26% of Swift cross-border traffic is “ISO Native,” which is the final stage of readiness with the protocol. US FIs who underestimate the importance of leaving time for testing and roll-out across the whole ecosystem will fair badly.  

Other parts of the world are already using the new standard, often called a “common language” for digital messaging and payments in connected global financial systems. The Federal Reserve adopted it in 2022 and set original implementation deadlines. However, migrations have a reputation for delays. Finextra reported two delays in 2023, adding to seven rollbacks in 2022, one in 2021, and three in 2020. Many of those were network hurdles to becoming a functional global standard. That’s no mean feat. 

March 10, 2025, is the date that ISO 20022 becomes the universal digital language for US financial services. Ironically, it’s the one original target date that hasn’t changed. US banks and corporates are urged to be ready. Many will be. Many won’t. The time for panic will be when deadline extensions end, but laggards are still getting it together. The current Swift MT messaging standard (itself a holdover from an earlier standards change) will be supported for up to “several years” after the March deadline, according to the US Federal Reserve’s Fedwire® Funds Service. There’s also the ChIPS ® network, “the largest private-sector high-value clearing and settlement system in the world” operated by The Clearing House, which said it “successfully migrated to the ISO 20022 message format on the April 8 banking day.”  It’s not a matter of if, but when, for all relevant players. At times like this, it’s good to recall why massive change is happening and more to the point, what’s in it for you? 

Getting ISO-lated  The new standard delivers far greater granularity, security, and functionality. “ISO 20022 is an open global standard for financial information. It provides consistent, rich, and structured data that can be used for every kind of financial business transaction,” per the Swift website.  Swift is a key driver for ISO 20022 and is actively cracking the whip to ensure compliance. Any of the 11K+ Swift members that miss the November 2025 deadline for co-existence will be subject to added fees, hassles, and damage to customer experience. Although corporates are not currently included in the Swift mandate, it should be viewed as a missed opportunity to leverage the clear benefits of richer data, improved transparency, and operational efficiency as soon as possible.  

Much revolves around getting implementation right, with solid planning and execution.  J.P. Morgan predicted that “By 2025, ISO 20022 will be the common language of the global financial industry. We recommend onboarding the standard sooner to take advantage of benefits, structured data to understand your payments and your clients, and to have sufficient time to plan, test and launch … ISO 20022 processes…”  This is no surprise when considering the Swift mandate for November 2025.  The multi-phase process moves from the basic “ISO connected” level to a “market-ready” state. Neither of those levels meet the requirement for “ISO Native” from Swift or will afford the full benefits. 

At the ISO Native level, “systems have the right architecture, the right enhanced and structured data, and the right format. Accessible elements for ISO Native (outside of the obvious data volume and analytics) include real-time payments and real-time settlements, lower costs via straight-through processing, better tracking of transactions, transparency to meet current and new regulations, payments-system stability improvements and better payment processing monitoring,” as Bottom line stated in an earlier article. As the Fed’s FBRservices.org site states, “the extent of your preparations will largely depend on”: 

  • How much technology you have integrated with the processing of your outgoing and incoming Fedwire Funds Service messages 
  • The degree to which you perform your own software development 
  • The degree to which you rely on service providers and/or software vendors to provide an interface to the Fedwire Funds Service 
Connecting B2B Payments in New Ways 

Some providers are helping customers through the implementation process via education and technical expertise. And because ISO 20022 represents the next step in payments interoperability globally, B2B payments will be a prime beneficiary. During a recent Bottom line webinar, Frédéric Viard, Head of Commercial Product Management Financial Messaging at Bottom line, boiled down the benefits of ISO 20022, saying, “There are two main areas. One key aspect is interoperability…because this is becoming the common language globally. This will facilitate interoperability.” The second area, Viard said, is the richer data format and better structure afforded by ISO 20022 to enable end-to-end processing and fewer exceptions, making everything from analytics to transparency to important legal tasks like sanctions monitoring work smoothly and remain in compliance. 

Another guest on that panel, Mike Chambers, a payments industry veteran and today the publisher of influential newsletter Payments: Unpacked, noted that the new data standard brings speed, deep transaction details, and improved security. Those three attributes are coveted by banks and corporates, perhaps none more than security, given that fraud has been off the charts since the pandemic hit in early 2020.  “The main benefit [of ISO 20022] remains improving fraud monitoring and management,” Chambers said. “Transparency and cash visibility are indispensable facets of fraud prevention. Leveraging data-rich standards…empowers fraud departments to discern anomalies and detect potential fraud patterns with greater precision.”  See the ISO 20022 webinar series here.

9 – Mayhem with Mel – 19 Sept

LINKS for Thriller Thursday










10 – Castor Oil – The real deal about castor oil:

its top benefits, potential side effects, who should avoid it, and the most effective ways to use it. My Mum was a nurse, we had a teaspoon every day – none of us 12 children had any childhood diseases


End of Post

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