2024/09/18th – Big changes are coming

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors


If the freedom of speech is taken away… then.. dumb and silent we may be led, like SHEEP to the slaughter. –George Washington

1a – Is this the same man   Last night, Musk in Items 7-e and 7-f

1b – Powerful message from RFK

1c – Big changes are coming

1d – It will be done in a 24 hrs period

2a – Are the Trump assassinations a psyop ?

Some believe so. Trump is well protected, he would not go out in the open playing golf where a drone could be used to kill him. Is it the real Trump or an actor ? Could it be a White Hat psyop … just saying !

2b – Regd Democrat will be voting Trump Nov 5th

2c – Black man says – White people are our only allies in the world

3a – Citizens of Arizona swarmed the Pima County Board of Supervisors

3b – Correction from previous post where it is asserted that Epstein is alive

4a – Douglas Macgregor:

22 minutes – Putin is not the problem”   


4b – Captured! FEMA Director Deanne Criswell

The White Hats’ years long effort to capture FEMA Director Deanne Criswell saw fruition Thursday morning when US Marines arrested the ghoulish woman on charges of treason and seditious conspiracy near the agency’s D.C. headquarters


5a – Scott Adams – Anti vaxxers were right

5b – Dr. Vernon Coleman:

Between 100,000 and 250,000 Old People Will Be Murdered by the British Government During the Winter of 2024/5 – They Will Die of Cold and Hunger


5c – Pastor terrorized, arrested for ‘reading the Bible aloud’ scores ‘complete victory


6 – Australia’s new anti free speech misinformation laws

7 – The War isn’t over—but we’re winning

More about that Maylasian flight From: Nirda Jones MH370: The Secret Battle for Humanity’s Future Unveiling the staggering reality behind Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: this was no ordinary crash. It marked the beginning of a covert war between White Hat forces and the Deep State. What the world saw as a tragic disappearance was, in fact, an intricate military operation that changed everything. This isn’t just another conspiracy—this is the truth they don’t want you to know.

Superconductivity Microchips: The Deep State’s Power Source

MH370 was carrying more than passengers—it held 20 elite semiconductor engineers transporting technology worth trillions. These superconductivity microchips were a game-changer. We’re talking antigravity propulsion, military weapons that could rewrite the rules of warfare, and even cloaking tech that could hide entire planets. That’s right—this was no simple accident. The Deep State had plans to deliver this tech to China, using the flight as cover. But White Hat forces were already two steps ahead.

A Global Operation to Expose Corruption

The U.S., China, Russia, Mossad, MI6—they all knew what was really happening with MH370. The stakes were monumental. The Rothschild-affiliated globalists and CCP elites were about to receive tech that could shift global power in their favour forever. But White Hat forces, including patriots like Admiral Rogers and General Flynn, were ready to counter this global scheme. The plane didn’t just vanish; it was a military operation to strike at the heart of the Deep State’s corrupt empire.

The Space Force and the Truth Hidden from Us

MH370 didn’t go down without leaving a trail. Advanced surveillance systems like the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) had their eyes on the flight the entire time. They know everything that happened—but the truth has been kept from the public. Over 3,000 satellites tracked MH370, yet we’re told it simply “disappeared.” The Deep State worked overtime to bury the truth, but the White Hats had already infiltrated their networks.

This isn’t about a Plane—It’s about Control

The Deep State’s agenda was always about controlling humanity. By capturing these superconductivity microchips, they could control military systems worldwide and keep their global stranglehold intact. But White Hats turned the tables. MH370 was a turning point, and the fight for humanity’s future began in the skies that day.

The War isn’t over—But we’re Winning

We’re in the midst of a battle for the soul of the world. The U.S. Space Force is leading the charge, dismantling the Deep State’s underground operations. Their time is up. The truth is emerging—fast. Stay alert, stay vigilant. The White Hats are winning, and the storm is closer than you think.


8 – The undoing of God’s Law – Can you see it ?


9 – What happens when you plant potatoes in cardboard boxes?


End of Post

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