2024/09/12th – Labor just made it illegal to preach Christianity

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We are living in incredible and unprecedented times. Master crimes committed by governments, carefully concealed from the public, are finally being exposed as never before. We are entering an age that most of us never dared to dream. Everything will come to light, even the most nefarious acts committed by the authorities. We have great reason for hope. As long as their crimes remained hidden, they could continue them unchecked, with heart wrenching consequences for the billions of unsuspecting and vulnerable people of our world. Once their dark practices come into the light, they can no longer continue them, and justice shall come.

1a – Labor just made it illegal to preach Christianity

Hang on – Constitution Section 116 – The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.

Who will go to church on Sunday (the papal sabbath) and goad the leaders into action and obeying Eph 5.11

R.I.P. Freedom of Speech, Religious Liberty and Democracy

Just 6 weeks from a state election, Premier Steven Miles and his Labor and Greens colleagues, have declared open war on the 2.5 million Christians in Queensland, Australia. Late last night they voted to pass the most repressive speech laws in any Australian jurisdiction. The message is clear: Christian light and Gospel Truth is not welcome in Labor’s Queensland. The Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024, passed shortly after 9pm on Tuesday, 10th September, with 49 Labor and 2 Greens MPs supporting, and 34 LNP and 4 Katter MPs opposing the Bill. Queensland Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, Rob Norman said:

Queensland Labor has pulled a death blanket over Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression of Religion with the late-night passage of the ‘The Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill’. The unelected bureaucrats of the Queensland Human Rights Commission will now have powers to deem any speech that ‘offends, humiliates, or intimidates’ any of a growing list of persons with ‘protected attributes’ as ‘harassment’ or ‘hate speech.”

The Queensland Human Rights Commission – unelected bureaucrats who incuriously accepted baseless and frivolous complaints against me personally – will now decide what is and isn’t “respectful”, and will punish anything they deem offensive.

Because “feelings”. ACL’s Mr. Norman said: This new legislation means that religious people who refer to holy texts or religious teachings that challenge sexual orientation or gender identity are open to costly action at the hands of the Queensland Human Rights Commission. We have entered a new dystopian era where frivolous and expensive claims, at the hands of hostile activists now hangs over the 2.5 million Queenslanders who identify as ‘Christian’. May God help us! The Australian Christian Lobby is calling on the Queensland Liberal National Party to commit to repealing the worst Anti-Discrimination Laws in Australia’s history if elected on 26th October. So should everyone else.Please sign and share our article with petition for the attention of the next Premier, David Crisafulli, thanking him for voting against it and demanding he commit to repealing this Orwellian legislation within the first 100 days of office, and not leave it to the end of the next term of Parliament before washing his hands of it with the excuse that time ran out.


1b – Controlled! Shut up, say nothing: obey….

How about forbidding anyone under 16 from watching social media ? Facial recognition ? That means everyone will need it to prove you are over 16 ?? And yet you will no doubt cling to your beloved smartass phone

2a – Left wing idiots protest Melbourne gun expo – staged paid and scripted. WHY – To make us fight with police and each other.

Supposedly these muzzled young teenagers were protesting against the weapons expo at the Exhibition Centre. Looks like they were Antifa and it was staged by the government?? They look very similar to those who do the LGBTQ protests and counter protests in Melbourne.

2b – OFFICIAL – King Charles announces resignation through TV broadcast –  William takes the Reigns


3a – Did you watch the debate?   Sept 11, 2024

by Michael Charles Master Que Mala Harris did not answer the very first question posed to her.  She was asked if things are better for Americans now than they were 4 years ago.  Instead of answering the question, she talked about her childhood and then bashed Trump… and that is how the entire debate continued.  Harris would bash, then Trump had to spend his time defending.  Harris prosecuted and Trump defended.  Harris ignored questions and the moderators allowed it.   

Trump spent his time addressing Jan 6, military officer accusations, and an assortment of other false accusations.   The ABC moderators called out Trump for misstatements, but never criticized any comments by Harris including when she interrupted Trump or when she claimed that 60 judges found that election fraud never happened. Trump had to spend his time cleaning up her false comments as the moderators did not do it.  No judges found that there was no election fraud.  As Trump corrected Harris,  the judges dismissed the cases on technical rulings like lack of standing.  Harris lied, Trump defended, and the moderators let it all happen…. no fact checking on Harris. 

When Harris said that Trump would ban abortions nationally, Trump had to discuss how that could not happen because of the recent ruling by SCOTUS that states owned the authority concerning abortions, not the federal government.  When she accused Trump of supporting Project 2025, Trump specifically stated that he had nothing to do with it.  Then when she mentioned it again and again, the moderators did nothing to stop her, so Trump was forced to continually revisit it.  When Harris stated that officers died on Jan 6, the moderators did not correct her as they did to Trump.  No officers died on Jan 6 or because of Jan 6.  Then when Harris said that the Trump economic record was a failure, Trump had to discuss COVID shut downs as the moderators stayed silent.  Trump was debating Harris the prosecutor and the 2 ABC moderators.  

Only at the end, Trump made his most important points of why hadn’t Harris and Biden done any of those things that Harris is now proposing over the last 3 1/2 years and his second point that inflation and job downward revisions and the surges to illegal immigration all happened under Biden/Harris.   Just as in a football game, it is hard to score when you are on defense.  Harris, the prosecutor, did a good job of keeping Trump on defense. Trump missed a great opportunity when Harris claimed that Trump stopped the border bill which could have stopped illegal immigrants.  Trump did not correct her by stating that the border bill had lots of other fat in it and that the bill was proposed in 2024.   He did not ask what did Biden/Harris do about the border for the prior 3 years to the border bill?   As pointed out by most pundits, no minds were changed.  No votes were changed.   Harris demonstrated that she is a prosecutor, but not that she can run our country.  Trump demonstrated that he can be put on defense by a good prosecutor.  

3b – Real numbers under Trump and Biden-Harris

3c – New poll spells disaster for Kamala Harris as she failed to deliver ‘knockout blow’ in debate


4a – Trump gets bombshell update, triggers backlash from media


4b – ABC faces major backlash for rigging debate against Trump


4c – Liberal turned to Trump voter

5a – Kamala Harris Not Eligible to be President under US LAW

Kamala doesn’t meet the definition of “natural born citizen”, therefore, according to the law, is not eligible to run as Pres.: Neither of Kamala Harris’ parents were American citizens when she was born. Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California, on October 20, 1964. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, is Indian, and still not a US Citizen today, and her father, Donald Harris is Jamaican, and only in 2015 opted to become a dual citizen of the US by Naturalization. A very far cry from the framers explicit definitions. Newsletter by Dr Stephen MK Brunswick is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Definition of “natural born” citizen, as per law dictionaries (affirmed by the Supreme Court). Vattel’s “Law of Nations” contains the purest form of the phrase “Natural Born Citizen” defined in English, as written in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. Sandford, quoted an English-language translation of Emerich de Vattel’s 1758 treatise The Law of Nations (Le Droit des gens) for a definition of natural-born citizen: “The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country of parents who are citizens”.


5b – Sky News host reacts to Donald Trump’s best and worst debate moments


6a – Marriage and licenses are a patented scam  

6b – Are we fools and when will we wake up??

Goodbye beautiful Australia- how can they let this happen?? – Muslim family has eleven children (Australia) Breadwinner is the Fertile daughter. This story is from a doctor in Melbourne… So, where do you think it will all end, OR, when do you think our governments will wake up? The new breadwinners in Australia: Here is how a doctor explains it:

A woman in her late 20’s came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy. She said to me “My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family.” I asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the Government for the family. It goes like this: The Grandma calls the Department of child services and Centrelink, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for all of her kids. They agree, then tell her the children will need to go into foster care. The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for $400 per child each month.. Total yearly income $72,000 and soon to be more when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work! In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count. Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eye care and glasses, free prescriptions and various other benefits… Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching $120,000 per annum. That’s about my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in a Melbourne teaching hospital.

 Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the “breadwinner” for the family. This is how the politicians spend our taxes. When this generous programme was invented in the ’60s, the Great Society architects forgot to craft an end date, and now we are hopelessly over run with people who vote only for those who will continue to keep them on the dole….. No wonder our country is broke! Worse, our Muslim brothers have been paying attention, and by mandating that each Muslim family have eleven children. They will soon replace the voting bloc above and can be running this country in around 12 years.

 Are we alarmed yet, is anybody listening? Please know I am not racist nor am I against Immigration, I just worry where this uncontrolled sort of immigration is going to take this wonderful country. There must be limits and controls in place or in around 12 years or less we will be going to midday prayers at the local mosque. That’s a simple fact of life my friends. They clearly intend to force that upon us.

6c – We love our land

7 – Online Safety For All, Starts With All Of Us

Please Mum, Please Dad, Protect Our Virtual Privacy. Our childrens data needs special protection. Be careful what you share on facebook and other social media.

8a – Some days we should not get out of bed

8b – When becoming a Freemason goes wrong

9a – GCR QFS update

9b – The Q phones

9c – The RV process

10 – More history to be rewritten    

11 – Los Indios Tabajaras (brothers) – Chopin Fantasia Impromptu


1969 Brisbane – The Flight of the Bumble Bee

12 – More Australian History

End of Post

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