2024/09/05th – ♪t’s almost ♪omorrow  

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It’s almost ♪ tomorrow ♪ … remember the song – and yes, many gurus are passing on what they were told, and sadly put dates on what will happen. It’s always tomorrow or next week or next month. Well, it may have been true at the time of their article, but the White Hats Alliance is in charge of an enormous task and needs and retains the Right to change the Plan any time it deems necessary. It takes days for a guru to assemble an article, to type it out, record it and broadcast it. The military manoeuvres are kept secret so as to not alert the enemy. What you think you know and what you have been told might not happen in the way you want.  Be flexible and patient an trust our Heavenly Father.

1a – Bobby Kennedy tells too much truth. They will attempt to kill him just as they killed his father and uncle.

1b – $60bn a year selling vaccines – $500bn treating side effects

1c – Biden sits at a tiny fake white house desk

Apparently it’s not AI, it’s true. It is Biden’s little pretend office in a corner of his house. Joe Biden had to be escorted out of this room like a toddler… Remember when we were told these were just “Cheap Fakes?” Do not forget: Kamala Harris was a part of this coverup. She knew what he was and she lied about it.

2a – Democrats ‘joy’ starting to ‘turn sour’


2b – Did you see what trump just said in PA? 


2c – The Confusing Life of Liberals


3a – The Dark side of Elon Musk

Is this just digging up his past as they do with Trump, the Kennedys and others while ignoring the fact that people can and do change direction when the learn the real truth about the world ??  AI can generate anything – We will soon see. Next Item 3b


3b – AI is completely out of control

3c – Elon, X, the epitome of a front man


4 – COPS are helpless in crime terror

Courier Mail Wednesday 13 December 2023, pages 12 & 13.

Police in Townsville feel “helpless” and “defeated” after three weeks of unrelenting and violent youth crime plaguing their city. On a single day in the space of six hours police were called to 120 crimes, most involving stolen cars — it is the worst spate of crime many have ever seen. Townsville police have no police vehicles left, in the last week 60 cars have been stolen and 150 homes have been broken into. Police officers feel helpless and fear for their safety, juvenile criminals are targeting police cars and now ambulances — night after night.

A terrified Townsville mum was terrorised by a group of young criminals in a stolen car who chased and rammed her across Townsville streets. The lady had just done her Xmas shopping in her Landcruiser when she was suddenly targeted by masked juveniles in a stolen Ford Everest — Which also rammed two police cars last week — the mongrels followed her through the streets ramming her car when she stopped to call triple-0, they rammed the driver’s side of her car clearly trying to kill her. One of them got out of their car threatened her with: “Don’t f—k with our gang, you f–king b—h’. They took a weapon and started smashing the glass window. They continued to tail her and rammed her vehicle pushing it into the kerb — an old trick to try and roll it over. Four kids got out of the car, with a wrench obviously to injure or kill her — a neighbour chased the mongrels off. 

Politicians have had years to enact deterrent legislation and done nothing that has been effective, it is time to replace them with people who will — or vote for more of the same failed laws and crime wave?


They will steal, hurt cripple and kill you and your family with no deterrent punishment as they have done for 30 years and no preventative action has worked, and it will continue for another 30 years, families will be terrorised, lives will be destroyed and lost — while politicians and the vociferous community ‘nutters’ keep siding with the criminals — punishment works well in Singapore, is cost effective, keeps people out of courts and out of jail. The decades of social workers rehabilitation of criminals kept them employed but achieved little as results prove, the mindset of criminals knows only one resolve, only when it hurts them will they modify their behaviour.  One of the biggest crimes against people appears to be the contemptuous attitude of politicians towards protecting the innocent and families from crime — decades of talk and no protection, no punishment determent — and more continued failures — your system does not work, the Singapore system does — go there and check it out, talk with senior police officers and government, read their statistics and learn how successful it is.

5 – Sun appears to be – in front of the clouds ???

6 – Exposing the Holo-haux by the Sons of Enos (see link in description)


full original link


7a – Why doctors are dangerous


7b – Childhood vaccines: The more they had, the worse their health

8 – Jared Kushner’s darkest secret revealed – very disturbing, but know God is in charge


9a – A Black Swan Event! National Security Alert! triggers a $1.05 trillion market crash.

From Wolverine – Urgency at the highest level: The Pentagon’s chilling warning. In a shocking turn of events, the Pentagon and major US intelligence agencies are racing to respond to an imminent attack on US soil. This is not a drill, but a real threat that could happen at any time. The consequences could be catastrophic. Within hours of the emergency briefing, chaos gripped financial markets, with $1.05 trillion in value evaporating, leaving Wall Street in shambles and investors in a frenzy. And this is just the beginning. We are facing what could be the most devastating Black Swan event in modern history.

This is not a test. The information is solid and the threat is real. A secret Pentagon briefing, now revealed, has revealed worst-case scenarios involving multiple attacks on major US cities. Officials were gripped by fear and urgency: the question is not if the attack will happen, but when. America is on high alert and the clock is ticking. The stakes could not be higher and the nation is bracing for the impact.

Financial carnage: The $1.05 trillion market bloodbath As the US braced for disaster, the stock market was thrown into absolute chaos. Within hours, more than $1.05 trillion in market value was wiped out, triggering one of the most serious financial crises in history. This was not just a market crash, but a total collapse, a financial bloodbath. Investors rushed to dump their assets, desperately trying to escape the crisis before it got worse. The Dow, Nasdaq, and S&P 500 all plummeted, and even the biggest companies saw their stocks plummet. This was worse than in 2008. The speed and scale of the losses were staggering, and left everyone from Wall Street traders to ordinary Americans wondering how far this economic disaster would go. And the truth? This is just the first wave. The worst may still be on the horizon.

The Flight of the Elite: A Strategic Stock Sell-Off Before the Crash The elites knew this was coming, and they acted fast. Just days before the crash, a silent but massive sell-off began. The wealthiest and most powerful figures in the financial world dumped their stocks at an alarming rate, knowing that a crash was imminent. Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, led the charge, selling $6.2 billion worth of Bank of America stock and nearly 390 million shares of Apple. He knew it, and he wasn’t alone. Across the financial world, hedge fund giants and corporate CEOs joined the exodus, selling off assets in a desperate attempt to escape the crash. It was no coincidence. They saw what was coming and took the lead, leaving everyone else to pick up the pieces. The elites protected their fortunes while the rest of us were left to weather the storm.

9b – Restored Republic 5 Sept

9c – UCC info about the Zim dollar

by Joey McHale The Zimbabwe 2008-2009 Trillion series (ZWR) aren’t fiat money; they are “Promissory Notes”. Each & every note says “Promise to Pay the Bearer on Demand.” Therefore, it is illegal in every country per UCC law not to honour this as a bond. All the Trillion series must be removed from circulation only after a legally-mandated, set-in-stone, publicly-advertised redemption of the Zimbabwe Trillion series (ZWR) during a redemption period, paid in the legal tender of the country in which the bearer is redeeming. All this has yet to take place by UCC law. It Is 100% illegal to lop any zeroes off any financial instrument with this promissory note language, which ALL NOTES in the Trillion series have… PERIOD.

IMF created the Trillion Series for Zimbabwe in the first place in 2008, and the printing stopped early in 2009. IMF has ascertained in writing that Zimbabwe has the greatest wealth of all 209 nations in the new, worldwide financial system, which is SOLELY based on in-ground assets assessed up to 22 miles deep, as calculated by the IMF prior to the signing of the GCR by all 209 nations in December 2016.

The redeeming staff at your RV appointment will negotiate with you as to the rate at which you may redeem these notes, as they must by UCC Law since it is a Promissory Note. Only after Zimbabwe has conducted worldwide PUBLIC notification and held a worldwide redemption period for the PUBLIC can the Trillion series be declared VOID by UCC law – PERIOD, end of discussion. Anything else is illegal and the bearer of the note may bring suit. IMF has ascertained that the wealth of Zimbabwe in the new Quantum Financial System is 125.000 times greater than the United States. So, there is no way Zimbabwe will be allowed to disavow any of these Trillion series (ZWR) without a public redemption period of at least 30 days, by UCC law.

Don’t argue at the RV with your redemption agent; be very nice, but inform them by handing them this on a sheet of paper when stating the amount of money which you are requesting.

10a – EBS this week ???

I won’t even bother to put this article up – White Hats are not going to tell anybody when it will be and alert the DS – If it IS true then BRING IT ON

10b – The invention of this amateur inventor


10c – Save your freezer meat when the Power fails

Method is still used by the Amish. Called Rebel Canning. They do not use a pressure canner. This can be done on a fire or with propane. Put meat in the jars, cover with boiling water, put on lid. Put it in a canner… cover with water and boil for 3 hours. Every size of jar… boil 3 hours. There are large pots for boiling seafood… will hold 24 quart jars. Cut meat off the bone before canning in the canner. Then you can make a broth from the bones, and can the broth. Use 3 hours for all meats. Later when you use it, heat to boiling.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LX8LCT1nukSurvival HT

11 – When a man and a woman work together

12 – Giants – Lots of pics from the 1800s and more


End of Post

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