2024/09/02nd  – Effective Crime Prevention

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1a – This movement is unique. They gave Trump an exit and he rejected it – but he is still pure of heart

The White Hats Alliance is in charge of an enormous task and needs and retains the Right to change the Plan any time it deems necessary. 

1b – Message from JFK Jnr

2a – Effective Crime Prevention

2b – Hells Angels heading to Colorado

3a – Major Industry Disruption Coming

3b – Humanoid Robot for home

4a – Project Blue Beam In Action  

4b – Mobile phones = microwaves, pay attention 

5a – Funeral Director John O”Looney – Don’t take the Monkey Vax

5b – Deaths from all causes – Australia 2022

In 2020, there were 141,116 deaths in Australia from All Causes — “in line with the baseline average” (as per ABS statement of fact in Reference) i.e. in line with historical data. In 2021, there were 149,486 deaths in Australia from All Causes. In 2022, there were 190,939 deaths in Australia from All Causes.


5c – Safe and effective – Yeah right !  

Forwarded from Dr Robert Malone Tell a lie often, it will become a dogma that men will die for. (Old jungle saying) – The repeated messaging “Safe and Effective” (without ever defining or qualifying either term) has been one of the most effective PsyWar / PsyOp campaigns in modern history. This method of repeating terms like this is one example of neurolinguistic programming, a highly effective PsyWar tactic.

6a – We’re very discreet cold blooded reptilians – Pelosi admits

COPY AND PASTE INTO YOUR URL https://old.bitchute.com/video/aOvq48IqdbJx/

6b – “The main thing they want you to believe is that the Supernatural is not real” – Tucker Carlson


7a – Pringle Chips…. never buy them again….. 

What the heck is in them ?

7b – This joke by Ronald Reagan has aged well  

8a – The Mystery of Numbers and Patterns of Biblical Numbers

8b – Protests break out in Tel Aviv, Israel – calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign.

9a – “The Council” – Who is Running the USA?

This is the definitive summation of the ills that plague America. There is NO if, buts or maybe’s about that, this is true and real and names all the names we know and need to know. The article, which is a long one talks very positively saying the people ARE going to be brought to justice. A long read, but to confirm for yourself before sharing I suggest you go to the conclusion or to the section about Trump which is towards the end.


9b – Trump – the victims shot at his rally

9c – US Military takes over New York Hotel


10a – BRICS New Development Bank

10b – NH Has Meeting on Banning Chemtrails – Finally

11a – aww Daddy

11b – Ex-CDC Chief Dr. Robert Redfield Reveals COVID-19 Truths


11c – Five US States go after Pfizer

End of Post

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