2024/08/23rd – News to make you glad and to make you sad

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily

Special thanks to ye who called asking about my eyes. All is well but it may be a while before I can clearly see fine print on the screen. This post took 10 hours. – Similarly, it requires faith and trust that the Father will soon intervene and end the dreadful plans of the NWO mob as revealed in some items below.


I need some $$ help please

1a – WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die in 2025

This cannot be discounted even although it may just be a scare campaign, and it is difficult to see how it could be achieved considering how people are distributed widely across the Earth, however it may have something to do with the covid vaccines and 5G. Boy Scouts motto “Be Prepared.” RSL motto “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Cheers, Leonard

Isn’t Klaus supposed to be dead ?


1b – German Media Admits the Jab Killed Millions


2a – No Privacy, but more secrecy than ever: Tucker Carlson

This also cannot be discounted – but I don’t believe Tucker is into scaring people, he’s just reporting scary stuff

2b – Maria Zeee: Weapons Expert Exposes Smart City Kill Box  

This also cannot be discounted


2c – QLD midwife lifts the lid on new-borns left to die


3a – Kamala Harris ‘terrible’ without a teleprompter


3b – Elon Musk breaks Internet again with Kamala Advert 

4a – Not all Jeews

4b – Far-Left UK Government To Release Thousands of Prisoners To Make Room For Speech Violators


5a – 20 Depression-Era foods – gone from the family table


5b – Long life survival supplies – Australia


6a – Blur your home or business on Google


6b – The Miracles of Castor Oil


7 – The 1893 Chicago World’s Fair

Trump has promised repeats like this

8 – This will make you glad – wow what a smile

End of Post

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