2024/07/13th  – QFS, Gesara, Nesara, Med-Beds

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily

1a – QFS – best explanation – listen carefully

Here is the page (see line 4) she refers to which verifies the GCR is real  So we just gotta sit and wait for the phone/email call

Page 3  Notice of deficit found on https://www.occ.gov/

1b – What if a country implements CBCD before QFS is ready

Beware of the traps Graham explains here

2a – The Cabal’s Jubilee Great Reset – you will own nothing

2b – Gesara’s Great Reset – you will own everything you need


3a – Biden’s first interview after the debate

Screen shot from the video last night of Joe Biden when, at one point, he was standing next to Jill Biden. Look at those eyes! They don’t look normal to me. (Brian)

3b – Brain surgery recovery tip

4 – The New British Police – not quite the English Bobbie image we expected ?

5a – Banned Video – The Lawsuit against Vax Jab

I may be out of sorts, but this must have everybody bear witness to criminality of the worst order. I have to send this to ALL our Fe(de)ral and Qld members of parliament. Alex Jones, whatever you think of him, has to be congratulated for doing what the main stream media will not do. I care not what anybody says, the people from the top down are murderers. Criminals of the first degree. They follow the dictates of the bastards overseas and are intent on destroying you and I and everybody they consider useless to them. 

Those who think that they can obey these bastard killers and be safe and comfortable into the future are in for a great shock as they will find they outlive their usefulness to these demonic, evil, satanic people. Who are they? Well, start with Klaus Schwab and his band of arrogant self appointed corporate thugs at the WEF. Go to the WHO, Bill Gates and the rest of the self important who care not one whit about you or I. Then look at the lying, thieving pieces of inhuman garbage that infest our parliaments. None of them are worth two knobs of goat dung at any time. All the above should be hung, drawn and quartered and if you disagree could luck to you.  WAKE UP AUSTRALIA! I have had enough. Leonard William 

5b – Kansas sues Pfizer over COVID vaccine

6a – Oregon farmers under attack

6b – Australia gives $250 million to Ukraine

Not very smart regardless of what you think of Putin and how about $250m for housing and keeping our farmers operating ?

7a – Chemical warfare against all of us

7b – Transgender cult in a nutshell.

8 – Sky Princess med Beds etc – long, but pay attention to warnings about potential scams – play @ 1.25 speed


9a – An engineering workshop could make this ?

9b – Driving on a Chinese Highway


End of Post

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