2023/10/26th – How to control the world  

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors and ye anonymous donors.  

1a – How to control the world  

1b – This Kind of hearing – wow

1c – 100 J3ws who changed their names – update 


2a – He exposed them beautifully  

2b – Trump responds to Speaker of the House

2c – Mike Johnson on DHS Open Borders + Lies

2d – Gaddafi said JFK was assassinated by Israel

What I’ve learned about Gadaffi is that he posed a direct threat to the Central Bank slave system currently implemented around the world. That’s most likely why they eliminated him and destroyed his brilliant projects in his country

2e – And this was back in the 80s

3a – If you are a Zionist – you are not a Christian

3b – Hamas actor pretends to be a victim of an Israeli air strike.

Does he look familiar to you?   Hamas Crisis Actor pretends to be a victim of an Israeli air strike- appearing in a hospital bed while pretending to be in a critical condition as two supporting actors hold his hand. In reality, the man is a Hamas musician and actor who has been appearing in various videos for the terror group. One video he is seen celebrating in the streets as Hamas fire rockets towards Israel. In another video he can be seen ‘crying’ after claiming his apartment was hit by an airstrike. And in another video he is seen singing while brandishing a gun while praising Hamas.

4a – Albo – strange neck tie + his left ankle ?

4b – Albo at a Pro Palestine protest.

5a – Pandemic Treaty explained and what it means for Australia


5b – Bombing innocent children in Gaza is not Defence – it is a grievous War Crime


6a – Senator Alex Antic exposes Totalitarian WEF


6b – Foreigners arresting Australians – treason

Note – the training is all about force + guns

7 – The White Rabbit – we have questions


8 – Man’s desperate plea for help while being euthanised

Here is a man’s desperate plea for help in Adelaide, South Australia, to be freed from a nursing home before he is euthanised. He was forced from his home 3 years ago by the South Australian police who had NO medical or lawful authority to do so because a fake “mental incapacity order” was issued by SACAT 


9 – She may need to exercise

10a – Government Kill Switches by 2026 – It’s Already Law

Cars that are sold in 2026 & after that will have Kill Switches in them


10b – Why EVs Are Piling Up At US Dealerships


11 – Tunnels and entire cities underground.

What are the hiding or preparing for   


End of Post

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