2023/10/24th – Wake up message

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors and ye anonymous donors.   

1 – Wake up message, shocking 7 mins of truth

But remember – We are NOT trapped in the Matrix with Agents, Demons and Vampire energies – They are trapped here with us

Trump was asked about the situation with the Speaker… “I’m staying above it right now, I have to” “There’s only one person who could do it all the way – you know who that is? … Jesus Christ” Now listen to his yesterday message

2a – Trump’s not so subtle “Tippy Top” message – Now where did you hear that Q drop before ?

2b – America’s First Family – wow

3a – Albanese has ‘no credibility’ in America

Story by Sky News Australia   The Australian’s Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan has revealed why Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has “no credibility” in Washington. Mr Sheridan’s remarks come as the Prime Minister visits the United States to meet with President Joe Biden. “I think he has no credibility in Washington because the Albanese government has decided to do nothing at all on defence,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News host Caleb Bond. He said the Albanese government cut the expenditure which was going to be delivered under the Morrison government’s forward estimates. “It has just released the most shockingly embarrassing Defence Department annual report, which showed that it didn’t even spend six or seven hundred million dollars of its allocated budget because all the programs are in such a state of paralysis. “Now Albanese in opposition said he was going to urgently fix a decade of neglect in Australian defence; I think he’s right about the decade of neglect … but Albanese has been worse and he has no credibility in Washington because of that.”

3b – Paul Murray warns – ‘far wilder’ Voice


3c – Younger Aussies ‘turning away from the ALP


4 – Greta Gives Us “War Advice”


5 – Jew Baptism – no comments needed 

6 – Was every single government around the world in Lockstep with the WEF & WHO?


7 – Tesla owners in their car while it charges

8a – Smart meters – trees and copper

8b – Nikola Tesla’s TERRIFYING Invention Has Just Been Revealed In Old Documents


8c – Giants in the 1800-1900s

9 – Flight paths

For the map on the moon see Item 4b +5a (see all items)

End of Post

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