2023/10/21st  Covid out – Climate change in

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only… All items are the opinion of the authors. A selected fraction of articles sent to me – Thank you contributors and ye anonymous donors.  

1 – Covid is out – Climate change is in

2a – Rod Culleton – Heart attack while in a paddy wagon – pray for his recovery

2b – Albo’s Voice Loss spreads to the states   2GB 

2c – Comrade Dan desperate Covid coverup corruption


3a – How Trump travels to NY to attend Court

3b – What’s going on in the streets of Washington DC tonight ?

A video from a local

3c – Derek Johnson Just Issued Critical Intel Alert! Drops Mega MAGA Space Force MOABS & Reveals More Proof Trump Is CIC!



4 – BOOMS everywhere, FFs, the New Normal, World is watching, KARI, WWIII, Borders, Pray


5 – Alex Jones – Israel on the day after 9/11

6 – NZ Loyal’s Liz Gunn follows up on her pre-election M.O.A.R. announcement

After viewing this video, many kiwis will be wondering how this was allowed to happen,  Were their relatives’ victims, and why it hasn’t stopped immediately

7 – Italy banning synthetic meat


8 – WEF Boasts Billions of Humans Will Soon Be Replaced With AI Hybrids – in their dreamsyeah


9a – Creation under the microscope 

9b – DEW + HAARP + TV + Tartaria Compilation

9c – Cutting Trees + Lead + Copper Compilation


End of Post

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