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1a – First – some news in pics

1b – Know your neighbours…

… and relatives – and church associates – and others you know ?

1c – Never Forget What these Monsters Did

….. and those mentioned in the above video couldn’t care less

2a – Australia: Pedophiles at Parliament

2b – Graphene Oxide in dental anaesthetic

Dentist explains the procedure for the removal of the Graphene Oxide. If you are having any procedures done at a dentist, it is a good idea to have a discussion, prior to doing so, about graphene oxide and if they are aware of this process of removing it from the numbing injections.

3a – Australian Doctor @ Darwin council…trying to stop the vax’s

…. and again, those mentioned in Item 1b and 1c couldn’t care less

3b – Chemotherapy Doctor blows the whistle

4a – Donald Trump look-alike

4b – DJT has an indentation above his right eye


5a – Why the elite hate Trump + QFS and Nesara

We are leaving Maritime law and the US Corporation behind and entering/returning to Common Law and a Constitutional Republic.

5b – Mayhem Mel – 14 Oct

Listen to what the ATO is attempting

6a – Hillary Clinton – It Was Climate Change!

This may well be AI generated ??

6b – They intend to delay the election, so they can traffic ballots to districts in Philadelphia

6c – They are only interested in your children. LGBT organisation are funded by gay paedophiles

7a – Transfer your sins into a chicken – Sacrifice the chicken

7b – Why the Blood Libel won’t die? Because it is True! ✡️ (Adrenochrome)

7c – Jewish Expulsions: 1030 Times! ✡️ …wonder why…

…. Nearly always for Child Sacrifice and Usury (charging interest)

7d – 400,000 Palestinians are threatened with starvation and thirst in northern Gaza Valley

8 – Old Doctors: We Rub Castor Oil with Epsom Salt to treat 13 health issues quickly


9 – Restored Republic 14 Oct

10 – Time After Time


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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors

We all are sceptical when we hear about a prophet, especially a modern one. Kim Clement has a 100% track record since 2006. Listen carefully and see what happens from now to Christmas

1 – Kim Clement – prophetic word

OK @ 1.25 speed


2a – Confused Joe Biden makes bizarre statement following Hurricane Milton


2b – Biden says hurricane relief workers ‘received death penalties’ in latest embarrassing gaffe


3a – “Epstein Client List” – Elon Musk shocks Tucker on why billionaires are backing Kamala


3b – The biggest landslide in the history of US elections” …. do you detect panic?

3c – Florida secret underground Tunnels

4a – Before NZ’s COVID VAX rollout, just 2,000 attended A&E for ‘CHEST PAINS’ a year – now it’s 30,000

The Heading is a enough – watch if you really want to


4b – Parliament house raid

4c – Qld Parliament OR Parliament of Qld

Wayne, Brian, Dick and others have been telling this for decades

5a – All 537 Aust Councils receive DNA Contamination report

How do you piss off 537 Australian Councils with their over 5,000 councillors?


5b – Australia: Senator to “hound those who perpetrated the greatest crime in history the COVID  

5c – US Senator Johnson – covid fraud

6a – They are going to try Australia again with Bird Flu…

Are we still up against 80% of the population? Time will tell… See how he openly states he’s not telling how much money they are investing – and he doesn’t admit to at least 2 factories in Australia – who do these parasites think they are?

The Albanese Government has announced a $100 Million ‘bird flu preparedness and vaccination response’ package. 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐮𝐥 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐲s: People will obey the governments instruction if a pandemic response was required. Australia has enough vaccines for “mass inoculation” if it was needed. We have a “World Health Organisation Collaboration Centre” in Melbourne.

6b – Write this to PAUL KELLY hard copy not email

Acting as the Chief Medical Officer of Australia Briefing Paper #1. We, THE PEOPLE, have had enough

PAUL KELLY – Again you people are trying it on. I just viewed the video of you announcing the latest bullshit “pandemic” about bird ‘flu. You and “AnAl” Albanese are two peas in a pod although I cannot swear that you are as totally communist as he is, the foul, evil little coward. You and all the clowns in parliament who spread the fear about the “covid pandemic” will stand trial for CHA (Crimes Against Humanity) along with all the medical “professionals” who pushed the fake covid upon THE PEOPLE of the Commonwealth of AUSTRALIA.  Trust us, this is not a threat. It is a solid platinum, gold plated, diamond encrusted full blown Australian promise.

There was no covid pandemic, as you claim, and you know it. It was a test to see just how many of the people of the world would fall into place out of fear. And it was pushed by the evil, foul unelected members of the WEF the WHO the UN and all the alphabet groups who just believe they have the right to control mankind. They also intended to kill as many people as possible in line with the wants of the likes of the mentally challenged BILL GATES, KLAUS SCHWAB, YUVAL NOAH HARARI an Israeli medievalist, right-hand man to the evil SCHWAB, and the evil proclaimed terrorist who runs the WHO, TEDROS ADHANOM GHEBREYESUS. Well, you will just have to accept the fact that you have no such rights. You will not be able to say you did not know when you receive the notice to stand trial. I will be at your trial selling popcorn and ice-cream and later at your sentencing selling hot pies, tomato sauce and coffee and will enjoy every minute of it.

You know full well that “covid” was not a virus but was nothing more that Influenza “A” and people who caught it had a 99%+ recovery rate wihtout medication and Ivermectin and Fenbendazole were the main treatments that were banned by creatures like you. I have documents from QUEENSLAND HEALTH from a Freedom of Information request that advised me that there were no records of any kind of an image of the alleged “covid virus” and we now know that the “virus” has never been isolated nor identified in any laboratory on the planet and that all images we have been shown in any kind of media were CGI (Computer Generated Images) and that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used to instill fear. My response to creatures like you and the rest of your cohorts is just to get fucked for mine. Nürnberg 2.0 is coming whether you like it or not. “It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error.” Justice Robert H. Jackson, Chief Prosecutor, Nüremberg Trials 1945-46 Fear not, the watchman cometh

7a – Westpac Outage: Tech issue leaves Australians without access to online and mobile banking services

One of Australia’s biggest banks suffered a major tech issue that prevented customers from being able to access their funds. Customers attempting to access their Westpac online or mobile banking were met with an error message that read: “Something’s wrong. Please try again later.” The issue appeared to have started just before 1pm AEDT. Let’s hope it is only temporary TUES am – WP announced all is repaired Tuesday morning

7b – If no banks, how will we get currency ?

Some Govts are attempting to close bank accounts for Biometric non compliance, but fear not – QFS is here and supported by 200+ countries and we are assured that if even if they do freeze your account, the QFS has it protected.

· Global Currency Reset (GCR)—this isn’t just an economic reset; it’s a worldwide revolution. The Earth Alliance has already established the new values of each currency, based on actual assets, not manipulation. There is enough gold to back the world’s currencies, rendering the price of gold irrelevant and putting all countries on equal footing. · Trust the Plan—the mass arrests are coming, and the Deep State’s end is near. Over seventy thousand indictments are ready to be executed. The Earth Alliance is on the move, and it’s time for the awakened to guide others through this transformation. This isn’t just a change; it’s a liberation from centuries of corruption and control. The Deep State are in a panic—they can’t stop the people from waking up. Their tricks, their false flags, are not enough to prevent the truth from coming out. The time for freedom is now—as the truth unfolds, we must embrace it with joy. This is The Great Awakening, and nothing will ever be the same again.

ON OCTOBER 24 AND 25, every phone on Earth will be hit with a loud, unmistakable alert signal. This will come directly from Star Link satellites, bypassing the corrupt media channels controlled by the elites.· The Earth Alliance, Star Link, and military are ready to execute the final phase. The old world is crumbling, and a new era of freedom is beginning. For years, the Earth Alliance has been preparing, quietly building a secure network of satellites that will make this possible.· The EBS alert will be activated globally but in phases. Depending on your location, you might get it slightly earlier or later, but make no mistake—it’s coming. The phased rollout will prevent the Deep State from reacting and catch them off-guard. By the time the signal hits every device, the Earth Alliance will have moved to the next stage.

· The signal will be followed by a broadcast from Trump and military leaders, bypassing the corrupt media. They will deliver real-time updates on the takedown of the Deep State, mass arrests, and the collapse of the corrupt financial system. You’ll learn how FEMA, the FBI, and other agencies have been weaponized against the people, staging false flags and disasters to maintain control.· The EBS broadcast could last up to 10 days, depending on ground conditions. During this time, there will be no internet, no social media, no TV, no mainstream news. Stock up on food, water, and supplies—you won’t be able to access stores or services during this period.· As the alert rolls out, the military will mobilize globally. The Earth Alliance has been coordinating this for years. Patriot groups and militias in the U.S. are ready to confront any Deep State operatives trying to stop the plan.

· The military will maintain order, but expect resistance from the elites. They will attempt to create chaos with false flags, but they will fail. The globalists know their time is up, and nothing they do can stop what’s coming.· During this time, expect martial law. Military tribunals will be broadcast through the EBS. You will witness the fall of corrupt politicians, bankers, and elites. You’ll see arrests, confessions, and the dismantling of globalist networks that have enslaved us for so long. · The Deep State’s financial institutions will collapse. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will replace the corrupt system, marking the greatest wealth transfer in history. Banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated, replaced by a fair system that serves the people.

· Part of the EBS plan includes neutralizing underground military bases used by the elites. These underground cities, built to protect them from the chaos they’ve unleashed, are being identified and destroyed. The Earth Alliance has located bunkers, including one under Denver International Airport and another in the Swiss Alps. · Special Forces Teams are already in position. Once the EBS is triggered, they will eliminate these elite hideouts. This is a war like we’ve never seen before, and it’s happening now. Once these underground facilities are neutralized, the elites will have nowhere to hide. Brace yourselves—the storm is upon us.

8 – Fox News is covering Israel’s genocide in Gaza 

9a – In 1908, a FALSE BIBLE was introduced

Here is the link https://www.bitchute.com/video/DRVGzjgziuWS

9b – Aboriginal Languages origins  

10a – Do you believe what they told us in School ?

10b – St Louis – 1930s > Tartaria ??

End of Post

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily.

Special thanks to anonymous donors

1 – But first – some news in pictures

2a – Top announcement from Trump

I will invoke Operation Aurora and the Aliens Act of 1798 – This will affect every 3 letter Govt agency, Corporation and ABN Corp here as well

2b – RFK finally said the quiet part out loud

2c – Ginger explains how military personnel are…

being placed amongst the general public across America in readiness for future action, update on The High Horseman who is giving up valuable information in custody.

3a – Surgeon Gen says stop taking jabs on MSM ..Its started people.

3b – Port Hedland Council votes to suspend Pfizer and Moderna Covid shots


3c – New Convid variant in Australia ? Even awake Peter Stefanovic is embarrassed to read this crap!

4 – Lookie under a Synagogue.

5 – Extreme cold climate makes EVs inoperable including charging stations.

6 – Our Food is poisoned – 11 years ago

7a – Pro-abortionists must see this

7b – Planned Parenthood caught tricking women & then selling baby parts

7c – Transgender mutilation surgeries on Pennsylvania children


8a – Biden – You cannot even take care of your own country

8b – Kamala Harris being ‘abandoned in droves’ 


 9a – Naming and shaming banks boycotting coal


9b – Barbara O’Neill – Cayenne pepper

10a – A historical timeline of Israel’s brutality towards Palestinians


10b – Revival Breaks Out In Washington D.C


10c – California Will Be Saved – Revival


11a – Why millions of Germans voted for Hitler – see item 2 ↓


11b – Last Hopi prophecy with Thomas Banyacya…

..and think about what is happening with, ‘A Man In a Red Cap’ that holds Tesla’s papers from his uncle John Trump, NESARA GESARA F&P’s, all the Humanitarian Projects and the reinstatement of stolen lands


Tesla invented the Med Bed !!

End of Post

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors

As an Australian, I acknowledge and pay my respects to the British, European, Asians and Elders past and present, who introduced and adopted civil society, respect for law, respect for other people and prosperity to Australia.

1a – Their constant lying…

is not aimed at…making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”

1b – The news in pictures – 15,000 killer migrants

1c – Greater Israel and America’s Holy War

2a – Rudolf Steiner – medical genius

2b – Dr. Suzanne Humphries:

“Doctors aren’t taught about vaccines in medical school.”

2c – The PCR test was never designed for testing Covid or anything  except human cloning

2d – “The mRNA-based Covid “vaccines” were designed… to harm, maim and kill, and to reduce human fertility.”

Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president at Pfizer

3a – President Trump 4 April 2020 – promoted Hydroxychloroquine    

He really did plead with everyone! He basically begged! Only some of us listened. They made sure this clip didn’t see the light of day on MSM that’s for sure!

3b – What WI-FI does to your blood…..

3c – Vaxxed 3 – full movie  

Save this and watch in sections


3d – 102 yrs old – no smartass phone

4a – Q Phone or Pi phone – Blessing or curse ?

Say goodbye to all our ‘spy phones’. Then we can get rid of those ugly and dangerous cell towers everywhere. The Q phone has been developed and manufactured in Germany and the UK with final software updates in the US. This smartphone is three-dimensional and of the highest quality. It will become one of the main credit tools and most urgent expenditures in daily life for retail consumption and domestic and international commercial business. and is a subserver to exploit and maintain the quantum system with Stellar + Starlink. This is a $500 billion manufacturing operation in three countries. And some other countries like Japan.. They are built in various warehouses around the world. Q phones will be delivered free of charge to everyone in the world. This Quantum Space Q Phone will be used for internet connectivity…texting and calling…banking…voting and more. It has a 3D interactive holographic display. (watch video) QFS will create a private Internet network running on triple code and perhaps an 8G network for SATCOM.Join, it’s not too late! 👇  https://t.me/Official_MrPool

4b – Graham Hodsdon – your QFS money

5a – Trump and the QFS

In 2018 as President, Trump signed the QFS EO, but now he’s highlighting the meeting on Oct 10 2024 – waiting for it to begin – won’t be long !!

5b – Gold and Silver – what’s it worth ?

6a – Lithium-ion batteries – in electric vehicles.

Is it any surprise that ferry companies and underground car parks are banning EVs, insurance companies are refusing to insure them, and EV owners are struggling to sell them on the second-hand market?

6b – Sodium Bicarbonate – Baking Soda miracles

6c – McDonald’s and Human Meat

7 – King Charles – Australian visit

8a – The NSW Police are ‘REVOLTING’

8b – Police officer buys wheelchair for a young man he kept seeing on the street in need of one.

8c – 25 yrs jail for child sex abusers

9 – Italian Scientist guarantees the Shroud of Turin Is REAL


10 – Hitler and “anti-semitism”

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily. Special thanks to anonymous donors

1a – Cash withdrawal answers

1b – Smart Glasses warning

1c – Polish MEP Grzegorz Braun delivers one of the greatest speeches against Israel

2a – TAMPA Florida after Hurricane Milton hit

A miracle happened, the CORE of the Hurricane split in before it hit land, greatly reducing it severity… A problem with the last Hurricane Helene they did not have enough technical workers, linesman to restore lines communication. Elon Musk  bought Starlink to the rescue effort. They were more prepared this time. TRUMP had also offered free accommodation to 275 qualified trade workers who came from other STATES of USA. 

2b – Trump’s Election odds surge suddenly


3a – Hurricane Milton – Cat 5 to Cat 1 in 30 mins

God used the White Hats ? to destroy pedo Disney tunnels

3b – All Disney World tunnels – destroyed.

Child rescue operation will be announced soon. Join Ezra A. Cohen (https://t.me/ezra_cohen_q)

3c – Disney World tunnels flooded

4a – Perhaps FEMA may be buying properties….

…. located above where tunnels were dug beneath them to attempt to keep a lid on their nefarious activities as a part of their belief that they will prevail. Could that be the real reason?After all, it seems they believe they have unlimited funds, at least until they are shut down.


FEMA is quietly paying private security firms massive amounts of money to keep Floridians from returning to their homes and businesses after a hurricane. The evacuation orders are more than just precautionary—they’re part of a larger plan to lock people out of the state. Delta Force is advising FEMA, preparing enforcement tactics that could involve force if necessary. With tensions expected to rise as displaced residents try to return, FEMA is said to be scrambling to get enough armed personnel on the ground. It’s a planned depopulation for land grab and destruction for reconstruction into smart cities. You think Dessantis is not part of that? 🤣 He is 100%. Deep Fake Dessantis.   FOLLOW AWAKENING NEWS:  👉 https://t.me/greatawakeningworld  Secrets to Escape the Matrix: https://greatawakening.io

4b – 400 children per day

4c – Branson seems a bit scared ?

5a – A town in Michigan dissolved their corrupt government…

6a – Strategy to expose DNA contamination of the injections

Hi Marilyn and Fraser, – I think this suggestion to inform our local councils of the letter that Russell Broadbent MP has sent to the PM exposing the harm caused by COVID injections is very good. Perhaps we could forward this letter to our freedom community and ask everyone to educate their councillors on this issue. Here is Julian Gillespie’s suggestion and action in Port Hedland.  


6b – And the senseless Bird Flu culling begins

Bird Flu Variant BS247 wonder what the BS stands for ?

6c – ‘Jail time’ – PM’s Misinformation Laws

Ben Fordham 2GB Sydney Experts are raising the alarm because the full extent of the changes are largely unknown.

7a – Breast Cancer Cure 50 Cents

7b – The biolab whistleblower.. he ended up dead hours later

8 – Restored Republic 11Oct

Hollywood heavyweight drops Trump bombshell – You Won’t Believe What’s Coming Play @1.5


9a – Amazing cars – where are they now ?

9b – Who remembers – oldies play station

Start at the bottom – Roll the dice – move along how many points – land on a snake’s heat = go to its tail – land on a ladder to climb up – first to the top wins

9c – O’Shea – The Truth Walks Slowly (In the Countryside) ft. Rob Hirst


10 – My hero Sabicas showing off

End of Post

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