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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily

So many theories – I’m sure most viewers have seen dozens of videos about the attempted Trump assassination – it was staged by the White hats – It was done by the Cabal etc – so here are a couple you may not know about

1 – Such nice people.

2 – Body language and Trump’s bloody ear

3 – Gross incompetence by the Secret Service 

Dan Bongino says sources tell him there were very few actual Secret Service agents posted at the Butler rally site. He says a lot of them were temp Homeland Security agents. Bongino says this was gross incompetence by the Secret Service  Counter Sniper Team and the entire Secret Service.

4a – A message to Trump

Stand by for the 2024 Republican National Convention, an event in which delegates will select the party’s nominees for President and vice President. It is scheduled to be held July 15 to 18, 2024, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I am sure Trump will make a profound announcement. Joe Biden’s days may soon be numbered, if he is really still alive. Biden’s performance in the first Presidential Debate was abysmal – even the leftist media outlets agree. 
Hours after the debate, we saw headlines from CNN: 
Biden’s disastrous debate pitches his re-election bid into crisis.
Biden’s performance sets off alarm bells for Democrats
And, finally: “What would happen if Biden decided to leave the race?”

4b – Tucker Carlson Tonight – Trump July 10

The first 37 mins says it all so wellThis was before the shooting

5 – If the Cabal try an alien invasion

If large alien motherships appear in the sky. Stay indoors and do not look at them because they are holograms hiding Lasers, Drones and Weapons which was planned long ago in Project Bluebeam.

6a – Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 13


6b – US Marshalls find 200 missing children

7a – Aboriginal Australian Elder explains why…

he doesn’t participate  in welcome to country

It’s a demonic thing. When you hear & read about political corruption over the coming days, with the criminality being reported about the CFMEU, please remember that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Our governments (federal, state, and local) have been rife with (at best) unethical and immoral, and (at worst) criminality and corruption, for decades.  Anyone who has engaged with government agencies (not all, but many) on a commercial basis, over recent decades, has witnessed behaviour that was highly questionable (at the least).  Anyone who has worked in, or who knows people who have worked in, the construction industry can speak of dubious practices being the norm.

The problem is that there is ample evidence that portions of our police forces, legal services, and judicial systems are unwilling to hold governments, their agencies, unions, or well connected commercial organisations to account. This means that Australians live in a two-tiered society:  those who have the right connections & can graft their way into huge personal profits or political power; and every other Australian who is just expected to ignore what is going on and pay the ever increasing cost of living (including taxes) that pays for the graft. Don’t let the politicians sweep this under the carpet, they work for you and it’s up to you to hold them to account

7b – Victorian Govt mindset

8a – No more trash – we can do this here

8b – Major Industry Disruption Coming

1. Neural interfaces for direct mind-computer connection

2. Holographic displays and augmented reality contact lenses

3. Teleportation devices for instant travel

4. Nanobots for medical treatment and bodily enhancement

5. Anti-gravity vehicles and personal flying suits

6. Replicators that can materialize any object

7. Time manipulation devices

8. Invisibility cloaks or fields

9. Artificial general intelligence indistinguishable from humans

10. Memory editing and implantation technology

11. Consciousness uploads to software

12. Genetic engineering for bio-design with enhanced humans

13. Fully immersive virtual reality worlds

This is just a rough list of things you can expect to start major production. This is one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump put out that warning to the Deep State. Because the only way all of this can go into production in earnest is once we do a massive illegal immigrants sweep across the country.

Then as that is happening you will start to see a fast-track of revolutionary innovation across all industries in record time. You are about to experience the debut of America 5.0. This is why you all feel this lethargic drag everyday you wake up because we have parasites living among us who are not supposed to be here. Which is why everything has this slow pace to it. And it messing with you mentally.

Which is why people are reaching their breaking point. Why do you think you are always seeing videos of people in their vehicles talking about how hard things are? How challenging life has become? How much financial hardships they are going through? Because we have strained our system to benefit people who are not adding anything to it. And the burden is falling on Americans and the weight had become unbearable.

This 5 month transition period into next year will see massive changes. The Chevron Doctrine has officially opened up the door for a massive breakthrough in that regard. You are about to see things turned up a notch so be on guard through the remaining months of this year. Because a lot of people do not want you to have what you are about to receive.

9 – QFS and RV

End of Post

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily

As an Australian, I acknowledge and pay my respects to the British, European, Asians and Elders past and present, who introduced and adopted civil society, respect for law, respect for other people and prosperity to Australia.

Before getting into tonight’s articles – I remind you of Item 1b last Post.  Graham warned about the insidious trap being prepared as banks attempt to introduce CBCD before QFS begins. The banks know they will be done for, so you may be offered thousands of $$ to join the QR Code and CBCD in return for having your debts and your mortgage cancelled. Wow !!  Who will fall for that ?  but remember you won’t own anything and you will not be able to access the QFS system. Your decision. Suppose you paid 100k deposit and took a 300k mortgage. The 300k will cost the banks nothing as they did not actually lend it, they merely pretend to lend $$ which they created out of thin air as they always have done so since 1694 when the Bank of England was created by the Jew money lenders. The bank will take your house and may allow you to stay and pay rent. Realise this is all part of the Cabal Agenda 20 or 30 whatever. You will own nothing.


1a – The Trump assassination attempt – There is a myriad of videos, here are a few – Firstly from Sky News is among the best in my opinion


1b – The Strange assassination attempt on Trump

Just two days after the rigged debate debacle in which a character pretending to be the long since executed “Joe Biden played the part of a brain-addled dementia patient,  Commander Trump’s “right hand man,” Dan Scavino, posted, on Truth Social, an image of popcorn at 9:17 PM (17 = Q — hat tip to Dave at Rumble Channel News Treason for noticing the time stamp).  Yes, boys and girls, we are indeed watching a scripted suspense MOVIE being played for the benefit of of the brain damaged boobs of Normiedom — and boy oh boy what an unpredictable  popcorn-munching thriller this is turning out to be!


1c – Photos of would-be Trump assassin revealed


1d – Identity of Donald Trump shooter revealed


2a – Lip Reader, The gunners wife, is back.

As we build on the truth reveal see the latest as it runs the timeline of the previous reveals. We begin to see the BIG picture coming into focus as it all makes sense over TIME.


2b – Alex Jones comments on Trump assassination attempt

2c – Attacker killed by US Secret Service sniper 


3a – Biden and friends should be executed


Place your bets – Biden gets assassinated, blames Trump & Co. Kamala steps up

3b – Who is really in charge ?

Does anyone believe after seeing the debate that Biden is really in charge?  Same with Albo  

PM Albo appears useless, weak and caving to into mob-rule

Peta Credlin (Sunday Mail; 14/7) is correct, the PM appears useless, weak and caving to into mob-rule.  Never before in our history have Politian’s allowed their offices to be shut down by protestors, where are the police they are supposed to act when the law is broken, not wait to be asked to act. Please explain why no action Commissioner? we want to know. Clearly police are not doing their duty and only acting selectively, why Commissioner.

The two protestor who hung a pro-Palestine flag on Parliament house were reported to have been in conference with Muslim Senator Payman, how did they get access to parliament house, supposedly the most protected place in Australia, who assisted their entry, what if they were carrying explosives or weapon. Why were they not removed immediately, where is the investigation on how they got assisted access?

Where is the investigation and charges Police Commissioner, PM, Speaker of the House and Senate President – Please explain to the people. The law must be upheld without fear nor favour, clearly the Commissioner’s inaction requires an investigation and explanation. It appears the separation of powers between police, politicians and judiciary no longer applies.

4 – What’s happening to food in America


5 – The real JFK Jnr?… hmm


6a – Murder on Music Row – Nashville

6b – Something completely different


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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily

1a – QFS – best explanation – listen carefully

Here is the page (see line 4) she refers to which verifies the GCR is real  So we just gotta sit and wait for the phone/email call

Page 3  Notice of deficit found on https://www.occ.gov/

1b – What if a country implements CBCD before QFS is ready

Beware of the traps Graham explains here

2a – The Cabal’s Jubilee Great Reset – you will own nothing

2b – Gesara’s Great Reset – you will own everything you need


3a – Biden’s first interview after the debate

Screen shot from the video last night of Joe Biden when, at one point, he was standing next to Jill Biden. Look at those eyes! They don’t look normal to me. (Brian)

3b – Brain surgery recovery tip

4 – The New British Police – not quite the English Bobbie image we expected ?

5a – Banned Video – The Lawsuit against Vax Jab

I may be out of sorts, but this must have everybody bear witness to criminality of the worst order. I have to send this to ALL our Fe(de)ral and Qld members of parliament. Alex Jones, whatever you think of him, has to be congratulated for doing what the main stream media will not do. I care not what anybody says, the people from the top down are murderers. Criminals of the first degree. They follow the dictates of the bastards overseas and are intent on destroying you and I and everybody they consider useless to them. 

Those who think that they can obey these bastard killers and be safe and comfortable into the future are in for a great shock as they will find they outlive their usefulness to these demonic, evil, satanic people. Who are they? Well, start with Klaus Schwab and his band of arrogant self appointed corporate thugs at the WEF. Go to the WHO, Bill Gates and the rest of the self important who care not one whit about you or I. Then look at the lying, thieving pieces of inhuman garbage that infest our parliaments. None of them are worth two knobs of goat dung at any time. All the above should be hung, drawn and quartered and if you disagree could luck to you.  WAKE UP AUSTRALIA! I have had enough. Leonard William 

5b – Kansas sues Pfizer over COVID vaccine

6a – Oregon farmers under attack

6b – Australia gives $250 million to Ukraine

Not very smart regardless of what you think of Putin and how about $250m for housing and keeping our farmers operating ?

7a – Chemical warfare against all of us

7b – Transgender cult in a nutshell.

8 – Sky Princess med Beds etc – long, but pay attention to warnings about potential scams – play @ 1.25 speed


9a – An engineering workshop could make this ?

9b – Driving on a Chinese Highway


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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily

1a – Satellites are fake – they are satelloons

1b – Doors for giants?- 8.5 tons – 7.6m x 2.3m

2a – Often you can’t TELL the public the truth

2b – Q Anon – There is a plan

The Nov election will either make Trump president or someone else president.  In either case, Democrats will stop indicting Trump.   Their court scams and use of the legal system as a political weapon against Trump will be over.   And  America will be damaged, scarred forever. 

Why are so many young people, Blacks, and Hispanics turning away from the Democrat party?  Traditionally,  according to Pew Research, more than alf of those who vote for Democrats are non-Christians as more than 80% of non-Christians vote for Democrats.  And more than 40% are Black or Hispanic as more than 90% of Blacks and 80% of Hispanics vote for Democrats.  So what is causing this change to Blacks and Hispanics?   Blacks and Hispanics are becoming Christians….

2c – Trump is in control with GOOD MEN.

Was on Ytube for 1 hour – removed – I screen copied just before – Musk is looking good too. Space for saving this cost’s $$ Please donate

2d – How they tried to jail Trump

3b – How to take over a country – for dummies

4a – White Rabbit – perfect murder weapon


4b – Find Doctors payments from Big Pharma – link in notes


5a – Tennessee has banned Geo Engineering

5b – Wind farms will destroy Illawarra coastline

5c – Crime crisis – Qld windfarms

6a – Australian taxpayers to pay for Zelensky’s fleet of Bugattis

(5807) Australian taxpayers agree to pay for Zelenskyy’s new fleet of Bugattis – YouTube

6b – Melbourne’s Yarra City Council – demands residents switch to plant-based diets to stop climate change


7 – Restored Republic via a GCR as of July 12, 2024


8 – Wolverine – 12 July

9 – We were never supposed to know about or see fallen angels

Remember – this is his OPINION ONLY and All scripture is God breathed – How else would we know about the fallen angels ? There are many things removed from the doctored recent Bibles too

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Disclaimer – The following is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice; it is sent for Education and Discussion Purposes Only. All items are the opinion of the authors. Thank you all for your support to maintain the operation of this site and welcome to many new subscribers daily

In an attempt to have a night off hoping people would take the time to see the important items on last post – https://larryhannigan.com.au/2024-07-10th-big-changes-coming – these few items came in today.

The media fear mongering about a new “covid” is underway and already idiots are wearing masks, mostly older women I notice. Please forward these first 2 Items and be sure to print out Item 3. Put them everywhere, under windscreen wipers in car parks is a good idea.

1 – Face masks


2 – Up-your-nose Swabs 


3 – Print and distribute please ↓ ↓

4a – Tucker Carlson “destroys” The Aust Govt


4b – Australians are waking up

How to end a deficit budget in any country – pass a law that says any time there’s a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Parliament are ineligible for re-election.

4c – Weather forecast – not seen anywhere else ??


5a – Biden says he can draw a crowd ?

5b – Trump wins every swing State – 2024 Prediction


5c – Trump in Florida

6a – Ex- CIA spells it out

6b – Najadi – believe or not

7 – The White Rabbit – Australia Conspiracy of silence

listen carefully @ 8 mins


8 – 1962 World’s Fair – Seattle


9a – BRICS – just scored a knockout blow to U$


9b – Wolverine 11th July

10a – The Dragons Are Here – Jonathan Cahn


10b – If you did not see 11 yesterday – see it now

10c – Why the Book of Enoch matters  

10d – Enoch in the New Testament

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